You have my support!
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So me and a few others have noticed that the server slowly starts to degrade after a week. Or even sometimes 2/3 days after restarts.
E.g. Red chins, Some bosses become un-aggro'd that should be & other basic skilling/teleports/commands/prayers (Champ can +1 me for this one)
If we could just restart the server every Sunday it would greatly improve the QOL for everyone and cause less bugs/server lag.
That is all, Happy gaming!
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Account Name: ZPH
Account Type: Group Ironman
Discord: Zephy#8193
Time-zone: GMT
Game Stats:
PVM Gear:
Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?): No.
Reason for joining: Wanting to join a big pvm team, so why not the best one. Wanting to make new friends/start doing group CoX/ToB instead of solo runs!
Recruited by: Trotz (PM)
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Best Event Manager: @Moe
Best Administrator: @Kaamea
Best Global Moderator: @
Best Forum Moderator: @Adex
Best Server Moderator: @
Best Server Support: @11
Most active on Discord: N/A
Most active In-game: @Kaamea
Most active on Forums: N/A
Most Respected: N/A
Most Potential Promotion: @11
Funniest Staff Member: @
Overall Best Staff Member: @Kaamea
Most Active In-game: Kaameas Dad
Most Active on Forums: Omicron
Most Active on Discord: N/A
Most Active Overall: N/A
Most Wealthy: @DoNotRWT
Most Addicted to Gambling: @RealMystery
Most Friendly: @
Most Respected: @
Coolest Veteran: N/A
Best Helper: @Iron Kevin
Best Edgeville Pker: N/A
Best Hybrid: @
Best NH Pker: @
Best PvMer: @
Best Raider: @
Best Skiller: N/A
Best Clan: Dynasty
Best Ironman: N/A
Best Hardcore Ironman: N/A
Best Ultimate Ironman: @
Best Elite Ironman: @
Best Group ironman (Team): N/A
Best Group Ironman (Player): @gim deathkid
Best Realism Player: N/A
Best Classic Player: N/A
Best GFX Designer: N/A
Best Youtuber: @Morgen
Best Streamer: @SexyWoox
Top Overall: @Trotz
Good luck!