Good luck with your new clan!
- 15 likes this
Posted by Cloob
on 23 January 2022 - 05:05 AM
100% support, blood shards drain realy fast after the update and this makes it easier to get more of them.
Plus lesser drop rates then osrs doesn't seem right when it's a Private server.
Posted by Cloob
on 17 December 2021 - 09:11 AM
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Best Helper: @St8
Best Edgeville Pker: @Wilderness
Best Hybrid: @Wilderness
Best NH Pker: @Wilderness
Best PvMer: @Calloway
Best Raider: @Calloway
Best Skiller: @Calloway
Best Clan: Aftermath
Best Ironman: @Nice Ron
Best Hardcore Ironman: @K 9
Best Ultimate Ironman: @UIM Goofy
Best Elite Ironman: @Lerak
Best Group ironman (Team): TOB Plankers
Best Group Ironman (Player): @Calloway
Best Realism Player: @Real Alan
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Top Overall: @Real Alan
Posted by Cloob
on 16 December 2021 - 07:38 AM
100% this, it would be nice if there was a way to get them in game instead of straightup buying them..
Incredibly disappointed to see the Combat Achievement helms come from a cash grab rather than something actually based on PVM skill or dedication. They're meant to be symbols of accomplishment, not something anyone with $75 or $100 can obtain.
Posted by Cloob
on 20 August 2021 - 09:47 AM
100% facts bro, we will 100% do cross-clan events in the future for sure, lets goo!
Probably some of the best news on alora.
Dont know about you guys, but the temporary merge and people getting to know eachother might've been what both clans needed to refresh and have EVERYONE step away from toxic ways. I for one had a great time with you guys around meme-ing and joking around! but I'm really glad you guys back on track and rebuilding.
Best of luck boys, hope we can do cross clan events in future when everything settles down!
Posted by Cloob
on 27 July 2021 - 03:00 PM
Username: Clappy
Discord Name: Frozenwolf#6268
Game Mode: Normie
Proof of Combat/Skills:
Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: Yes
Reason for applying to Paragon?: A lot of my former clan members are in paragon now, and I am looking for an active and friendly cc.
Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): Gim Crohn
Posted by Cloob
on 22 June 2021 - 08:24 AM
Nice vid!
But you forgot the part where you were being very toxic to me and everyone who attacking and killing you in the wildy.
And some other pvm-wise things I wont adress here.
Just wanted to add that to make sure st8 is not the only ape in the vid.
Gl with your gains on Alora and cya around :)
Posted by Cloob
on 16 June 2021 - 08:22 AM
Best Administrator: @Moe
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Best Server Support: @Arosa
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Most active In-game: @Amica
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Most Respected: @Amica
Most Potential Promotion: @Amica
Funniest Staff Member:
Overall Best Staff Member: @Amica
Most Active In-game: @st8
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Most Active Overall: @Gimslaving
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Most Addicted to Gambling: @Tekk3rz
Most Friendly: @Drokaan
Most Respected: @Gimslaving
Coolest Veteran: @Yautja
Best Helper: @st8
Best Edgeville Pker: @Yautja
Best Hybrid: @Swipes
Best NH Pker: @Wilderness
Best PvMer: @Gimslaving
Best Raider: @Gimslaving
Best Skiller: @Gimslaving
Best Clan: @Aftermath CC
Best Ironman: @Drokaan
Best Hardcore Ironman: @Luka Doncic
Best Ultimate Ironman: @Buzzard Tony
Best Elite Ironman: @Soloman BTW
Best Group ironman (Team): Eyes Wide Suicide
Best Group Ironman (Player): @Calloway
Best Realism Player: @Real Alan
Best Classic Player: @Antwerp
Best GFX Designer: /
Best Youtuber: @GIM Neko
Best Streamer: @GIM Neko
Top Overall: @Drokaan
Posted by Cloob
on 15 June 2021 - 04:03 AM
I think that moving all revs into a higher wildy level above 30 is better. Then the risk is actualy equal to the insane rewards the imps/revs give.
The best setup in my opinion is the rev system as it was before, BUT without multi, just singles +.