I wanne suggest a rank transfer for Immortal donators (or lower). The maximum transfers you can make is 2 atm, but i would love to see a way to get a 3rd transfer.
Immortal donators made Omicorn a lot of money (masters and ubers aswell) and i think there is a way to make a 3rd transfer possible.
My suggestion is to make it possible with a $ payment. Its up to Omicorn how high the price will be, but i think some people will pay over $100 for an extra transfer. When youre done with a specific game mode and want to grind a new one you want to transfer your rank, if thats not possible anymore people will be burned out with the game soon because they cannot transfer there rank to the other account.
When you make a 3rd transfer possible by an IRL $ payment people will think about it very good before making that last transfer and it is some free money for Alora.
The payment is also not added to your donor rank, its just a payment for an extra transfer.
Sorry for my bad English.
Wise old
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