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Member Since 15 Apr 2020
Offline Last Active Oct 28 2024 09:31 AM

#463902 Adding skilling bosses to hiscores

Posted by unecrafting on 12 July 2023 - 02:56 PM

What is your suggestion?: 

I would like to see skilling bosses added to the hiscores. I think it would give something for skillers and pvmers alike to compete for should they want to, and I dont see why it would be bad to add them.  Also zalcano is in there and that is basically the same as tempoross or wintertodt. Guardians of this rift is a bit different but in the end they are all skilling minigame bosses or however you would label them.

Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


How would this benefit Alora?:

As mentioned above, i think this would just give some extra incentive to farm these minigame bosses. Skillers and PvMers can have fun alike. I also think this could potentially make these few select minigames a bit more active more often outside of events which can help the social aspect of them and so forth. 

#415050 New Skiller CC "TheSkillZone" Any Gamemode

Posted by unecrafting on 31 October 2021 - 01:36 PM

Hello fellow Alorians, my name is Unecrafting and I thought i'd start a friendly and welcoming CC for people interesting in skilling like myself! 


Leaders: Unecrafting - Real Tangle


Requirments: no combat reseting and must be lvl 3. 


Rules: Nothing crazy, just be respectful to everyone. 


Visions: hopefully as we get populated we can host in house skilling events of many types, as well as host server wide skilling boss event for people who might not want to solo. 


Other than those few simple things we look forward to see you guys around and hopefully we can start a fun and friendly skilling environment for new and experienced players alike! 


Happy skilling,


#357508 Cwars’s GFX Gallery | ✅ 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed ✅ | 20+ Orders ✉️

Posted by unecrafting on 01 June 2020 - 12:49 PM

Do you want a Forum Avatar/Signature?: Both

What do you want the text to say?: Unecrafting with Realism symbol in from to spell "runecrafting"

Do you want any text underneath it?:  3 combat skiller (no stat resets)

What color do you want the text to have?: Colorful

What theme/runescape items do you want?: Theme of a lvl 3 skiller

Do you want it transparant or with a background Image?: Background image.  If you can have something cartoony in a cool way would be dope. If not then make it look good. I know ur skills :D