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Peen Cheese

Member Since 02 Apr 2020
Offline Last Active May 01 2020 02:22 PM

Topics I've Started

XP Orbs (QOL suggestion)

03 April 2020 - 08:43 AM

Hello Alorians! (Don't know if this is what anyone calls others but I'm sticking with it)


As my first post, I'm going to stick with something fairly small and doesn't impact much in the game in regards to anything else other than making our lives just a wee bit better.

I'm sure if you've played regular RS, or even looked at the RuneLite client, you've seen these "XP Orbs" in game at the top and the middle. They might also come under the name of "XP pop-ups"


For those who don't know, please follow THIS LINK to the official RuneScape Wiki of basically what I'm talking about and how it works. Also added a picture below for easy reference. 



It's also very easily toggle-able, so those who may find it annoying can just turn it off.. I do believe at least some of us may find it usefull as an easy way to keep track of xp gains without switching to the skills tab!


Hope everyone's keeping safe, let me know what you think :) 

