Recently I've been doing a lot of clue scrolls and I noticed while using the ardoune cape you use any teleports on it. What I'm suggesting is that the teleports be fixed to the Ardoune Monastery & The Farm.
Reason for Ardoune Monastery - Clue scrolls spot @ tower of life is directly next to it would make it a lot easier.
Reason for Farm - Allows players to teleport directly to farm for another farming option while training the skill. (I know you can run to the spot it's just easier)
Reason to be allowed - You spent a decent amount of achievement points on it so why not make have make it extra useful.
Same concept enable the teleports on the cape, but ONLY for the max cape version of the ardoune cape. So my suggestion is that you're only allowed to teleport with the cape while it is "Max Ardoune Cape".
Reason for only max cape - Give players another incentive to purchase the cape, and to max their account to get the cape.
Reason for teleports - Same reasons as stated above, quality of life, gives players more incentive to purchase the cape, also can buff amount of points that cost for the cape via achievement points (optional)
I personally support that it is only available for the max cape, because it just gives the players more of an incentive to max their account out & it's more rewarding when you finally maxed out and can teleport around with the cape!