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Phanny phart

Member Since 20 Mar 2020
Offline Last Active Today, 03:04 AM

#498380 Slayer task streak server announcement

Posted by Phanny phart on 19 October 2024 - 09:43 PM

What is your suggestion?:


Slayer tasks and streaking global yell server announcement for every 100 or 250th/500/1000 task completed.





Is this in OSRS?:


not sure



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:




How would this benefit Alora?:



This will be something different to read as a newsflash in yell and a sense of achievement for the player

#452764 Top 10 all time Alora players!

Posted by Phanny phart on 04 February 2023 - 04:28 PM

I am not very active via forums but when i logged in just now and saw Brambo's post I couldn't resist the temptation to be apart of something great.





1. Dance Hard 

Known for his Abyssal demon kill count, wild and ruthless. I came across Dance when i began working through slayer on my alt, casual chat from time to time slowly i started to admire what he has accomplished, inspiring me along the way. Particularly with his clue scroll grind. So Thank you and good job!


2. Sheep


This dude was wild, weird and wakky. Spent alot of time skilling together, working through similar skills and goals. He would often message me almost instantly from login "Do you ever logout". He was a real MVP and powered through to achieve 4.6B total exp with ease.


3. Sealizard995/xico


I wouldn't have been able to finish off 200M smithing if it wasn't for this amazing individual. I have known her since the start of my alorian days, when i was noob and nothing has changed. When I desperately needed resources to finish off the remainder of my smithing experience, Sealizard donated 50k gold ores. Without this generous donation I would have struggled to finish this pain in the ass skill.

Thank you my friend.


4. Real Beer A.K.A Strudelle


I had no idea who this mysterious person was at first. He messaged me and appeared 'conversational and tolerable' at the start. It was a while before I soused out and discovered that this mysterious random is strudelle and from that moment I consider him to be a true and real, absolute legend of a friend.


5. Real Alan (Too many Alts to keep up with)


If you're a fan of marmite and can take a kick in the bollocks every now and again, well that is Alan for you. This dude has his voice and rightly so isn't afraid to use it, even if it does get him into a pickle. Alan is one of the OG's I first met when joining Alora. Back then things were different, not as many players and most definitely a much harder grind than today. Alan helped me out, taught me things i didn't know. Also donated and let me borrow items/supplies over time. I am greatly happy to have met you and played alongside you even when you get on my nerves! #smallpp


6. Polton


What a LEGEND! I didn't know this dude well at all, only from all of his contributions towards the well every time he was around. Despite Polton being one of the richest in-game, I hold my hands up and want to thank him for his generosity and kindness. THANK YOU! :D


7. Gimslaving


Jesus. This guy is all kinds of madness. His wild Collection log adventures to achieving 4.6B total experience on his GIM, then to come and join the realism community for a while en-route to maxing the game mode. Good on you man! I wont ever forget how spooned this guy was when doing cox on the realism, couldn't keep up and made me log for a day/two. Regardless, awesome job man, pleasure playing alongside such a legend.


8. Smacking that A.K.A 4usp


Well know for being muted for long periods of time. For a short period of time, i enjoyed smacking being muted, which meant I was able to skill in peace and with my private on! :D I've known this crazy fella for a long time and he has always been a good friend to chat to and in game. If i need something and he has it, he will help me just as he did with my herblore and farming grind. I don't say it enough but I value you as a player and as a person so thank you smacking.


9.  Realmungard 


How could I not have this strange human being in my top 10. This guy has repeatedly told me that he was going to quit and months later he is still here. Not only flying through the ranks on highs cores but harassing the hell out of raids and nex like a CHAMP.  Also trusted me with one of his many twisted bows when he went AWOL. Keep up the hard work mung!


10.  Omicron/Alora community


I just wanted to say awesome job man on this server. I have played and tried many private servers and osrs over recent years and not a single one of them has made  me stick around for as long as I continue doing so being part of the Alora community. I suppose this is an extended thanks to all of the community in Alora for keeping me around.




#450519 Aftermath - PvM/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by Phanny phart on 10 January 2023 - 04:32 PM

I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]



  • Phanny phart
  • Yoko tinkle
  • oinkages
  • chutzpah
  • play doh





II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?


  • Realism


III. What is your Discord ID?


  • josh#8121


IV. What is your game-time?



V. What is your total Boss Kill count?



(Bossing/Raids will be soon)


VI. How did you find out about us?


I. What is/are your IGN(s)? [please include all ALT accounts]



  • Phanny phart
  • Yoko tinkle
  • oinkages
  • chutzpah
  • play doh





II. Which Game Mode(s) do you play?


  • Realism


III. What is your Discord ID?


  • josh#8121


IV. What is your game-time?



V. What is your total Boss Kill count?



(Bossing/Raids will be soon)


VI. How did you find out about us?


#446959 Let's talk about Realism.

Posted by Phanny phart on 02 December 2022 - 01:32 AM


Reading the reasoning and why you think a merge is needed is giving me a rash. This question has been oribiting throughout Alora for a very longtime and undoubtedly has been a HOT topic for many of the wealthy elite players who come over from regular and the classic game mode.

I DO NOT SUPPORT this house pocus abra cadabra nonsense and most DEFINATEKY DO NOT SUPPORT the reasoning behind the Subject matter.

Regardless of this, you have a voice and opinion and glad to be hearing it, since this has been a long standing issue of yours for sometime now.

I have been playing Alora since the start of the first pandemic almost 2-3 years now. Phanny phart (first account ever made and played) has seen people come and go like grease /dirt under the fingernails.

I have also seen people stay, grow and have many 100s of hours "INVESTING TIME" into playing game mode. I imagine this is also the case for you @Lunchy not only just your regular account qccomplishing 4.6B total but your accounts combined.

I see this post from someone who has already invested qlot of time and effort into playing the game, coming over to realism playing a lower experience rate and unable to throw everything at ::shops to speed and make everything easier.

This mode isn't supposed to be easy but most definitely time consuming. If you dont have the time, the dont play it.

Once again NO SUPPORT.

#432087 Tree farming - Left-click option to (clear patches)

Posted by Phanny phart on 27 May 2022 - 10:06 PM

What is your suggestion?: Adding a left click option to clear farm patch - without needing to use a spade on a tree. (Spade is required in inventory)

Is this in OSRS?: Not sure

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No

How would this benefit Alora?: It would become a nice, small and smooth addition to the skill as a whole.

#393512 Paragon - PvM/PvP/Skilling - All Game Modes

Posted by Phanny phart on 29 March 2021 - 04:08 PM

Usernamephanny phart/yoko tinkle

Discord Name: josh#8121

Game Mode: realism

Playtime: 120 days 8 hours 33 minutes

Proof of Combat/SkillsAlora - Phanny phart - Powered by RuneLite (gyazo.com)

Do you agree to all of Paragon & Alora's Official Rules?: yes

Reason for applying to Paragon?:


Fellow clan friends joined paragon, so i followed to continue my journey with new companions.

Referred by a Clan Member (Who?): real alan

  • Moe likes this

#379135 Broad bolts for realism

Posted by Phanny phart on 01 November 2020 - 11:54 AM

100% support

#376202 Random event costume collection!

Posted by Phanny phart on 08 October 2020 - 07:16 PM

Hey! Was clearing out the bank after 73 days 10 hours and 48 minutes and was surprised by what i saw! The wonderful collection of random event outfits!





#361585 Mining clue scroll crates

Posted by Phanny phart on 02 July 2020 - 08:35 AM

Add the chance to receive a clue scroll when mining - this currently happens with woodcutting and fishing.