Account Name(s): Elite Carbz
Account Type(s): Elite Ironman
Discord: Doug Dimmadome#4208
Time-zone: N.Y EST
Playtime (Screenshot):
Game Stats (Screenshot):
Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot): Im not going to go through my whole kill count, if you need further proof then ill share screen on discord
PVM Gear (Screenshot):
Are you affiliated with any other clans? I am 2 banana rank on ice, but have been in my own cc for about a month, so Im never active
Reason for joining: Ive always seen this clan yell, actively recruiting. So when I checked it out, after all these tough reqs, I knew that this clan was definitely the highest tier pvm clan and Ive set a goal to make it here. I know I have only 60 hours efficient bossing, and some gear is missing, but I have done easily 130+ Solo COX's, which take from 35-45 mins each time as I got better gear. Also I do have bonus gear including dhcb, ancestral, infernal cape. Those should prove that im a good pvmer, as well as make up for some of the lost gear. Im hoping that putting 200+ hours of solos alone will make up for the 20 hours that I am missing that's "efficient"
Recruited by: A mix of 11, Iron Shordie, and Realism OP