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Member Since 18 Jan 2017
Previous Username: Evanescence
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#484063 Cox drop rates etc

Posted by Baelia on 13 April 2024 - 10:59 AM

I don't know... but they won't tell you or us I'm sure. So presumably the minigame is a scam? It's really not worth doing unless you are with a friend or few and are just doing it for fun.. Or, are an iron account. Other than that, I feel like it is a 1/100 chance to get a purple. At least those are mine, and other average players odds. (for those who have less than uber rank) My old friend who was a ytber for Alora named EIM Bonk quit playing alora because cox luck was so bad and frustrating. I'm sure many other have quit doing cox too, for these reasons.. I wish others would speak out about it, too, instead of preferring to keep these things hidden in the dark for it to further ruin other peoples time and experiences with this game.. I would like it to be better and better, instead of getting worse than it was before.

#475473 [22/12/23] Christmas Event, CoX/ToB/ToA changes, QoL updates & more!

Posted by Baelia on 23 December 2023 - 01:59 PM

OMG! I am sooo excited for these new changes!!!!!  :D  <3  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays to everyone at Alora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :wub:

#452238 Buff Nightmare & TOB drop rates

Posted by Baelia on 28 January 2023 - 06:32 PM

Yes, YES! Please, these reeeeally need to be fixed!!  :( Even my sibling doesn't care to play with me much now because he complains about the drop rates on here being no different from osrs. So he would rather play that, and that is becoming frustrating to me on a personal level.. (trying to show him how awesome this game is but both of us feel rather disappointed in it)


Including CoX imo... Ive done 110 CoX = 0 purples, but only an ancestral ornament kit.. and so with that; I have NO motivation to waste any more of my time there, even with server boosts active... I now clearly see why the Youtuber EIM Bonk doesn't care play anymore..  </3  Drop rates on Alora can be pretty unforgiving and sometimes not worth it trying.. Depending on who you are.


Phosani Nightmare I am getting VERY VERY bored with.... Server boost have NEVER helped me get a drop from her even with the many additional wasted drop boosters; and has been very unrewarding with my horrible luck on top.  :angry: Regular Nightmare it seems no one cares to fight anymore.. = dead content 


ToB, I have never completed one in my life.. so I cant speak on that one.. but I'm sure it needs to be reworked too! 



Overall, things seem nerfed rather than buffed. And right now I am having a very poor time on the game with how I'm experiencing the drop rates + bad luck.. And it's very... very demotivating...  :( Considering The Nightmare is one of my favorite monsters to fight against. It makes me sad when I go to attempt her more, and more, and more; only to usually get nothing or bare minimum. Not to mention having to always solo her because everyone's disinterested in grouping together to fight the regular one. Plus I heard is broken/doesn't work? Me and redcar recently duod her both got no drops? What's up with that???


I understand how RNG works, and understand that things can be pretty unfortunate.. But a certain dryness can make one abandon the game entirely, and I've witnessed it first hand with others in the game. Being as a PS, imo; I feel that NO drop rate for ANY monster should resemble OSRS.. And seeing that Phosani's Nightmare is tremendously worse on here, and now knowing that; I don't know how much longer I want to keep this up for. 


I hope my feedback can be considered on this topic. I know my voice is small.. but I have to try. Thank you for reading!!  :wub: