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Member Since 18 Jan 2017
Previous Username: Evanescence
Offline Last Active Today, 12:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Cox drop rates etc

13 April 2024 - 10:59 AM

I don't know... but they won't tell you or us I'm sure. So presumably the minigame is a scam? It's really not worth doing unless you are with a friend or few and are just doing it for fun.. Or, are an iron account. Other than that, I feel like it is a 1/100 chance to get a purple. At least those are mine, and other average players odds. (for those who have less than uber rank) My old friend who was a ytber for Alora named EIM Bonk quit playing alora because cox luck was so bad and frustrating. I'm sure many other have quit doing cox too, for these reasons.. I wish others would speak out about it, too, instead of preferring to keep these things hidden in the dark for it to further ruin other peoples time and experiences with this game.. I would like it to be better and better, instead of getting worse than it was before.

In Topic: I did cox 100 times in leagues + 170m Giveaway

13 April 2024 - 10:42 AM

Incredibly disappointing... Unless rng really clicks for some of you.. I've seen main game accounts with better luck than this. I know a few people who are/did play leagues and are not happy with the results from their time and dedication to the game mode. Also, The Clue Hunter Relic may have something to do with it, as it replaces entire drop tables for clue scrolls.. but no one cares to fix these things??? I also despise how many points it will take to buy ONE of everything new that is going to be coming out for leagues rewards.. 43k points??? How many people on leagues even have that many points, or will even have that many points by the end????? Less than 25? This was a broken and unfair competition imo.. I like how they turned on the x4 cox bonus when people weren't even equipped to go in there yet, besides the very few try-hards. No wonder they have much more points than the rest of us? What a shame. And what a horrible experience for many I'm sure.. I've heard more negative experiences than positive. That only tells me that something is really wrong. People should be having a blast, not a complete struggle. I just want this game to be better.. We all do.

In Topic: New Year's Giveaway!

03 January 2024 - 07:55 PM

It has been such a long year!!  :lol: Happy New Year to everyone at Alora!!!


I have so many amazing memories from playing on Alora in 2023! But my most cherished memory was from when I met a Realism player named Ba Ba. ^_^ Sometime in April. One day, Ba Ba wanted to duo Chambers of Xeric with me, and I really didn't want to because I was sad that day and didn't really feel like bossing... But, we did it anyways!  :P He persuaded me by saying that he thinks I will get a purple.. lol 

But what's funny is that I did get a purple!  :lol:  I got a Kodai Wand on our first ever raid together! Then Ba Ba wanted to see if we could get a back to back purple chest, and so we went to do another. He called that I would get a Twisted Bow at the beginning of the raid. And I told him "No way, I'm not ever that lucky lol". And then the most unreal thing happened to me lol When we beat the raid....... I got a Twisted Bow!!!!! :lol:  It was the craziest thing to have ever happened to me on Alora lol I couldn't believe it!!! I actually cried tears because of how funny and rare it was to have happened the way that it did! It was incredibly special to me! I still smile ear to ear when I think about that memory lol  :D


That is my favorite memory in Alora 2023  <3  Thanks Ba Ba!!  :wub:

In Topic: [22/12/23] Christmas Event, CoX/ToB/ToA changes, QoL updates & more!

23 December 2023 - 01:59 PM

OMG! I am sooo excited for these new changes!!!!!  :D  <3  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays to everyone at Alora!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :wub:

In Topic: Theatre of Blood Guide

05 December 2023 - 07:30 PM

Thank you for the guide!!! It is the last thing I need to do to complete my achievement diaries.. Hopefully I can find a team that will help me >_<