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GIMP Jesus

Member Since 20 Jan 2020
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2024 04:23 PM

Topics I've Started

[RUNELITE] Farming contract infobox

14 August 2021 - 05:24 AM

What is your suggestion?: 

Infobox to show us what Farming contract we currently have.
This infobox is only visible while inside the Farming Guild.




Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

Small QOL, we can see what our farming contract is without having to talk to the NPC all the time.

Disasemble Serpentine helms and Toxic Blowpipes for scales

11 August 2021 - 05:49 AM

What is your suggestion?: 

Disasemble Serpentine helms and Toxic Blowpipe for 20.000 scales.

It's possible to disasemble the uncharged versions in OSRS but we don't have those in Alora.


We could perhaps crush them with a hammer?

Or use the "uncharge" option for serpentine helm.


Is this in OSRS?:

Yes, see wiki


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

I bet plenty of people have dupe Serpentine helms / Toxic blowpipes they don't want anymore (like me) and would rather have the scales.

It's in OSRS so I don't see why we shouldn't have it.

[QOL] Ring of Wealth caskets buff

07 August 2021 - 07:47 AM

What is your suggestion?: 

Allow caskets to be auto picked up or auto opened and coins placed in inventory with Ring of Wealth or maybe Ring of Wealth (i)


Is this in OSRS?:

No, since not many NPC's drop caskets.


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I know


How would this benefit Alora?:

Coins are already picked up, so why not caskets?

Portal Nexus Room

27 July 2021 - 07:09 PM

What is your suggestion?: 

Add Portal Nexus Room, preferably for Mounted Xeric's talisman and Mounted Digsite pendant



Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I know


How would this benefit Alora?:

Infinite charges for Xeric's talisman and Digsite pendant.

Very useful for people that hunt clues or people that do birdhouse runs.

Honestly don't need the Portal Nexus itself.


Its already in the construction guide so might aswel add it ;)


If the counter argument is teleport wizard, then add digsite to it.

Unless its already there and I'm blind.

Pay death / instance fees straight from bank

21 July 2021 - 07:44 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Allow us to pay death / instance fees straight from the bank

Boss instances, deaths like zulrah, maybe even the NPC in edgeville for untradeables?


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:

Not that I kow


How would this benefit Alora?:

Would make it easier to pay, don't lose an inventory slot, can't forget your cash in bank when trying to reclaim your items etc.