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Member Since 06 Jan 2020
Offline Last Active Aug 05 2022 09:30 AM

Topics I've Started

Change the slayer reward shop

12 April 2020 - 02:33 AM

What is your suggestion?: Add imbue scrolls/salve amulets somewhere else then slayer shop, or change the price

Is this in OSRS?: yes you can do quest to get slave amulet or NMZ for imbues

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: dint see any

How would this benefit Alora?: so with the new update of reworked slayer, the amount of time it takes to get imbue scrolls or salve amulets skyrocketed

If we look at the math it takes a new account somewhere around 100 task without a skip to be able to buy slayer helm and imbue it

thats somewhere beteween 30-100 hours depending on the tasks you doing.

For any accounts that want to do vorkath and want salve amulet and imbue it thats 200 ish tasks which is 60-200 hours

all these items is so much easier to obtain in OSRS, why do new accounts have to get 99+ slayer before they can imbue their helm?

some ppl will have maxed accounts before they can buy their first imbue scroll, and that really shouldnt be the case.