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Elite Zeah

Member Since 02 Jan 2020
Offline Last Active May 16 2022 10:31 PM

Topics I've Started

Zeah Only Week #5

06 February 2020 - 08:29 AM

First of all check out last weeks gains here! : https://www.alora.io...ah-only-week-4/



Before I begin I just want to say that I'm looking to get another 99 and I'm not sure yet what I want to go for, if you could leave comments below I'll focus on that more this week on what you'd like to see grinded!


Also another thing I wanted to ask is do you guys like seeing these weekly, or as I'm now getting to the later grinds would you like to be able to see more progress and I start doing these 2 weekly? Or is there a better way you'd like to see me post my progression logs??


Your replies to these will be greatly appreciated!



What have we been doing?


This week we decided to get a little bit of that total level in, managing to get some very slow agility grinds in, and also some slow ish hunter gains in. (With our Meta being grey chins.) We've done a lot more combat grinds and in fact we're very close to 100 combat. We got the 77 slayer grind out of the way paving our way to buying a POH with money we can make from Brutal Black Dragons. We also got 2 new BIS items, they don't seem like too much to you guys but the Dmed and Dskirt have been obtained, we tried a couple of boss kills but we're not lucky yet, and without further ado.























As always ladies and gents, thanks for looking!










Zeah Only Week #4

29 January 2020 - 07:49 PM

Check out last weeks update here! ; https://www.alora.io...ah-only-week-3/



Firstly, just to show you guys some untapped content that I completely forgot was available to do which will make the prayer grind a LOT easier (This is going to help an incredible amount with bossing, and later game content). It also gives me more access to secondary herblore ingredients so expect more herblore gains in the future, also access to the grubby chest which can give us Prayer pots, Ranarrs and food.




What have we been doing?


So this week we decided to do a lot of Combat and Slaying, and I was hoping to unlock Brutal Black Dragons, but we're just shy of it so far. We started getting more and more slayer tasks, dragons have been a really good one for us so far with the prayer exp and slayer xp. We've also been focusing on our Diary and general skills, and farming for later grinds it's been a long grind and we're slowly but surely making progress, below are some screenshots for the week, with my current stats at the bottom.


















As always thank you for looking and be sure to tune in next week!

Zeah Only Week #3

23 January 2020 - 06:57 AM

Check out last weeks progress here! : https://www.alora.io...ah-only-week-2/


What have we been doing?


So this week, we have tested out some bosses here in Kourend they are bosses I've never touched on Alora let alone with a Zeah only account with awful gear (The kill time is absolutely atrocious and I kept dying) but I wanted to test them out so I understood how they worked for when I get better gear and levels.


We are indeed still trying to get an outfit piece from birds eggs for the Kourend Medium Diary, this is taking a while and really frustrating me! 


We got ourselves our first pet and first 99! (See below)


It's been a slow week but the progress is sure to come!


Screenshots for the week












Thanks for looking!

Couple of Suggestions for clues.

17 January 2020 - 06:20 AM

So below I'm just gonna bullet point a couple of suggestions I have, just to see fi you of you guys might support or want to see these. They're not gonna be high priority I know that but they would be interesting to see.


  • More diverse clue steps (I know we had a big overhaul which was fantastic) but I'd love to see some of the wizard steps etc (bringing combat into clue scrolls, sara wizard etc) 
  • Mimic Boss (Mimic Pet)
  • Master clue scrolls
  • The above suggestion could bring in Watson, swapping all clue tiers for a master clue
  • I'd like to think that with Master clues could come harder steps and needing higher tier items such as the Bandos Godsword step in OSRS this means Ironmen would have more of a challenge on their hands, and I'm all for adding more challenging content to Alora. (Who knows for normal players this could boost the price on certain items that are needed for certain steps? 

Ultimately I understand this is all down to you guys and whether or not you guys would enjoy seeing this, I'd love another clue scroll expansion added in the near future, it brings something different to the game and something different to Alora.  :D


Also I don't know about you guys but I feel like the drop rate on clue scrolls seems a bit high on monsters? I know this probably reflects OSRS but I could literally kill like 300 basilisks/bloodvelds/jellies sometimes and not receive a single one.

Zeah Only Week #2

17 January 2020 - 06:01 AM

Hi guys here's my weekly update log as of 17/01/20


You can check out last weeks gains here : https://www.alora.io...-1/#entry332100


I wanna start by saying that it's been a hard week, but with the diary's added this is something that I would really like to get on top of over the next few weeks as the lamps will push me very far ahead with the dreaded 1k exp an invent Runecrafting grind O_O. So we've been working on getting a lot of our base skills up, and doing the Easy diary in Kourend. We got to the Medium diary and I'm currently stuck on getting an evil chicken outfit piece from birds eggs! Below are some screenshots for this week enjoy!




With content for Zeah now being added more frequently thanks to @Omicron , I'm really excited for the future of this Account with the goals we have in mind!