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Member Since 08 Dec 2019
Offline Last Active Nov 29 2021 05:32 PM

#376103 I'm Free

Posted by Blinkdemon5 on 07 October 2020 - 11:07 PM

I appreciate the words everyone, it truly means a lot to me and reminded me as to why I love this community so much. I've gone back to my old self again, but kept only the good qualities from the "new" me. I've actually been offered a job that's only 5 minutes from home, pays more, and they've also let me know they plan on making me a salaried manager and the head of the department within the first couple months. I've also been flourishing with everything else in my life and have made a ton of great improvements. Thank you everyone for everything and if any of you ever need help with anything or just someone to listen to you, my line is always open. 

#375252 I'm Free

Posted by Blinkdemon5 on 02 October 2020 - 03:27 AM

I've grown tired of living a life where I chase things that don't ever come nor occur. I also am tired of feeling emotions at all. I missed the old me, the one where I wasn't bounded by chains nor emotion. So, I've decided to go back to it. I know some people may see this and wonder if I'm okay, but I really am. I'm just going to be the free version of myself as I once was. 


no emotion 

no feeling

no nothing


  I can't wait to go back to enjoying life the way it's meant to be. 


  Alone and with only the sounds and sights to fill my mind. Nothing else; never and forever. 

#374076 Ability to split KBD Heads

Posted by Blinkdemon5 on 25 September 2020 - 01:39 AM

Is this in OSRS?: Yes

Has this suggestion been accepted already?:Dont know

How would this benefit Alora?: This would allow players to have a better use for KBD heads rather than bank fillers, making it so that we can get some exp from them or just straight cash. 

  • 072 likes this

#349709 Imbues

Posted by Blinkdemon5 on 19 April 2020 - 07:14 AM

Support. I've been playing as a classic player and, especially after this newest slayer update/ rework, I truly can't be arsed to even try to go for imbuement scrolls or even the salve amulet.

#349701 Vote tracker

Posted by Blinkdemon5 on 19 April 2020 - 06:47 AM

love this idea, support

#347680 2 Years of ICE [EVENT]

Posted by Blinkdemon5 on 08 April 2020 - 11:32 PM

I will join as @BlinkDemon5 (Myself)

#339184 [February] Community Awards

Posted by Blinkdemon5 on 25 February 2020 - 07:06 PM




Best Event Manager:


Best Administrator: To Gain


Best Global Moderator:


Best Forum Moderator:


Best Server Moderator:


Best Server Support:


Most active on Discord: Real Try


Most active In-game:  Real Try


Most active on Forums:


Most Respected: Fiji


Most Potential Promotion: Hellish


Funniest Staff Member: Fiji


Overall Best Staff Member: Hellish






Most Active In-game: Shin Sniper


Most Active on Forums:


Most Active on Discord:


Most Active Overall: Shin Sniper


Most Wealthy:


Most Addicted to Gambling: Ra


Most Friendly: Omega312


Most Respected: EKiller


Coolest Veteran: 


Best Helper: 


Best Edgeville Pker: Kyyleee or however its spelled


Best Hybrid:


Best NH Pker:


Best PvMer: 


Best Raider:


Best Skiller:


Best Clan: ICE


Best Ironman: Literally Everyone who plays Irons


Best Hardcore Ironman: Literally Everyone who plays Irons


Best Ultimate Ironman: Literally Everyone who plays Irons


Best Elite Ironman: Literally Everyone who plays Irons


Best Group ironman (Team): 


Best Group Ironman (Player): 


Best Realism Player:


Best Classic Player: Shin SNiper


Best GFX Designer:


Best Youtuber:


Best Streamer:


Top Overall: