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Dawn 4 Fawn

Member Since 30 Nov 2019
Previous Username: ExIronFawn
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2025 03:50 PM

#399061 Hardmode ToB

Posted by Dawn 4 Fawn on 03 June 2021 - 06:02 PM

This would be sick! Would be cool so see a CoX challenge mode as well! Just to spice up end-game content for the grinders out there.

#352954 Immortal Dynasty Clan

Posted by Dawn 4 Fawn on 05 May 2020 - 08:21 PM

Account Name(s): inub

Account Type(s): Normal
Discord: jackedman3#5757

Playtime (Screenshot)https://gyazo.com/d0...2a27e16ebff22e4

Game Stats (Screenshot)https://gyazo.com/4e...4a45596c66541ba

Efficient hours spent bossing (More info can be found in Clan Requirements) (Screenshot): 



PVM Gear (Screenshot): https://gyazo.com/42...993bb9a726a3fa8

Are you affiliated with any other clans? I'm an OG in dynasty. my OG account was Jackedma3. I joined dynasty in April of 2018 and I am close to Aryan Dream, Chase Legend, Alex, and some even older members such as shamrock, osrstyler, heimdahll, chicken be. I ALSO have inferno cape. 



Your application has been Declined at this time. Please feel free to reapply and fill out the EHB tracker. Also, please provide the correct screenshot of your time played, not the server uptime.

#345767 TOB Overhaul/ Rework

Posted by Dawn 4 Fawn on 31 March 2020 - 07:32 PM

I believe this suggestion brings up a lot of good points and questions. I agree with Maiden, bloat for the most part, nylos I agree that the attack range should be changed, but the pillar mechanic seems weird. Sotetseg is very similar to OSRS as is so I agree with you on that too. I'm sure you remember last ToB update with xarpus they did actually have the mechanic where you had to step on the green tiles that healed him, but it was taken out of the game to speed up ToB because no one decided to do it as it was usually a waste of time. Lastly, Verzik definitely gets very bland after 100 runs and it's very tough to have fun with the raid after a while. Overall I think it is a great suggestion, however, I'm not sure it would have the impact you're hoping for. Almost all of the suggestions make the raid harder, which yes, people that do ToB would like because it is new content, but I believe it would scare newer raiders away. Lastly, of course, the drop rates need to be fixed. That much is obvious and I don't think anyone would disagree.

The majority great, and I hope to see at least some of it implemented. Great work, 11!