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Member Since 24 Nov 2019
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2022 07:27 AM

#336821 Journey of Phossiphus - Week 3

Posted by RFD on 13 February 2020 - 08:27 AM

nice progress man! how are you killing anything with those combat stats though? recoil rings? ring of suffering?

#336714 Open Casket Progression Log [Updated 23/04/2020]

Posted by RFD on 12 February 2020 - 01:33 PM

awesome man! cant wait to see you get some crazy 3rd age! 

#336708 Revive - Fixing harpoons

Posted by RFD on 12 February 2020 - 01:25 PM

I am 110% on board with these changes, currently using crystal tool seeds is only for looks, would be great to have a boosted version. support!

#336707 QOL filter store by Ironman

Posted by RFD on 12 February 2020 - 01:22 PM

nice QOL for sure, support, but i was under the impression it will only show you what you are allowed in whatever account you are on already?

  • Gp likes this

#336590 Cussler Weekly Update #4

Posted by RFD on 11 February 2020 - 04:30 PM

nice man! jealous of the horns! 

#336485 ❤️ RFD Recent Design Work. ❤️ WEEK 4

Posted by RFD on 10 February 2020 - 08:19 PM

@Blackpoiint dooooooo ittttt you wont! XD

@MT cheers homie! always appreciate your feedback!

@Chelle thank you thank you! let me know if you would like one done!  ;)

  • MT likes this

#336420 ❤️ RFD Recent Design Work. ❤️ WEEK 4

Posted by RFD on 10 February 2020 - 01:46 PM

Got a few more to share with you guys this week for week 4 of work,

It has been nice and busy! let me know what you guys think!  :D <3




#336331 Real Try - Weekly Update #27 (Realism Skiller)

Posted by RFD on 10 February 2020 - 08:06 AM

nice man! im glad your still keeping to the regular updates!

#336330 Today was a good day

Posted by RFD on 10 February 2020 - 08:05 AM

wow awesome dude! big ups for sticking it out and having the motivation to complete it! <3

#336329 Massive Alora Riot

Posted by RFD on 10 February 2020 - 08:04 AM

this was honestly some quality reading not gonna lie hahaha! gotta love this community! <3

#336325 Preserve and crushing herblore secondaries

Posted by RFD on 10 February 2020 - 07:59 AM

I like this idea, maybe it is was for donators just like the decanting is or something, it would be a nice QOL update! so support.

#336323 QoL for Prayer

Posted by RFD on 10 February 2020 - 07:57 AM

yeah i support this! it would be a nice QOL update for sure! would be even better if Rigour was blue and augury was purple or something to show which one is active etc.

  • Dab likes this

#335717 Geomancy spell

Posted by RFD on 06 February 2020 - 10:24 PM

I love the idea of crop timers, and im not sure if it was you or someone else had already suggested that, but definitely in support of the timers for sure.

#335649 Zeah Only Week #5

Posted by RFD on 06 February 2020 - 08:32 AM

awesome gains man! loving the progress! are you trying to max?

#335647 Loot from ~150 Solo Chambers Of Xeric W/ Master&Immortal Status

Posted by RFD on 06 February 2020 - 08:30 AM

wow unbelievable RNG! love it dude keep it up!

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