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Member Since 15 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Oct 05 2021 03:16 AM

#144363 Ironman Deranking

Posted by Ultimate Sol on 26 December 2017 - 01:57 AM

Thank you for all the input. It was unclear when reading the deiron that it bumps you down to the next level. It says in the game "I don't want to be an ironman anymore" which makes it sound like you are trying to get rid of all ironman status completely. I would suggest making this more clear.

#144130 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Posted by Omicron on 25 December 2017 - 10:07 AM



The staff team and I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 


We hope that you’ve had a great year, both on Alora and in real life, and wish you an even better one for the year to come. It’s incredible to see how far Alora has come not only as a game but as a community, and I have no doubts that 2018 will be another awesome year for us. Here’s to another great year, and many more to come!


Make sure to enjoy this time with your family and friends, as well as those on Alora!


Happy holidays :)



Alora Staff Team

#142825 Fix boss mechanics before shelling out new content

Posted by Savitr on 21 December 2017 - 09:51 PM

According to Omicron's latest update, he already mentioned the next update will consist of large-scale bug fixes.

#142824 Fix boss mechanics before shelling out new content

Posted by Onox on 21 December 2017 - 09:42 PM

I agree with everything. Also in inferno you can freeze the rangers and literally move away and they won't attack you again. I only figured that one out after watching a stream after I had got my infernal cape.


Zulrah is easy enough with the normal mechanics. For a server that wants to replicate OSRS should try to make bosses as close as they can to osrs. Zulrah is a joke in that department where you just stand in 1 spot the entire time.


Also is there a list with the monster weaknesses anywhere? I know osrs on wiki isn't very useful because a lot of them are changed on here. I tried to use monster examine from lunar spell book and it didn't work.

#142822 Fix boss mechanics before shelling out new content

Posted by Hylian on 21 December 2017 - 09:28 PM

I suggest we fix boss mechanics before we add the newest updates. Or we can keep getting stuck inside abyssal sire in second phase cuz that’s always fun. Or maybe! We can have 2/3 minions in Bandos still. /s passive aggressiveness and jokes aside, I don’t get why people wouldn’t want Zulrah to work properly or anything else, seeing as its a private server and we have access to end game equipment A LOT sooner than you would in OSRS. Make boss mechanics great again

Edit: Raids and inferno are a good example of what a private server version of bosses should be think all the other bosses just on a smaller scale. I feel like everything else is just a meme in comparison, everything just seems gutted.

#142823 Fix boss mechanics before shelling out new content

Posted by Done4 on 21 December 2017 - 09:38 PM

agreed, can't wait for people to say "this is private server we want cake walk stfu" instead of addressing the problem. 

#142562 Alora Christmas Sale

Posted by Omicron on 21 December 2017 - 09:48 AM





Along with today's Christmas update + giveaway we've also updated the Shop with a huge bonus on tokens for the next 10 days! You'll also find some new seasonal items that will be removed after Christmas, so make sure to get your hands on them before then.





  • Store updates:
    • The Christmas Sale is now live! It will run until January 1st, offering a hefty 50% bonus applied to any token purchase!
      • This amount is applied to the usual base + bonus. For example, an $80 donation usually gives you 900 tokens. It will now give you 1.5x that, equaling 1350 tokens.
    • Seasonal items:
      • Santa costume
      • Wise old man’s santa hat
      • Christmas cracker:
        • For the first time, Christmas crackers are available on Alora!
          • Simply use these on another player in-game, and one of you will end up with the prize. You are guaranteed a party hat, but if you’re lucky, you might get one of the following partyhats from the cracker (if you hit the special partyhat table):
            • Rainbow partyhat (2% chance)
            • Black partyhat (8% chance)
            • Partyhat with specs (10% chance)
            • Wise old man’s partyhat/santa hat (15% chance)


Enjoy! :)




#141515 What happens once every year?

Posted by Oh Du Hast on 18 December 2017 - 12:16 AM

Ahhh. Thought all Rank 1's were simultaneously going to have a bath on the same day. ^_^
Happy birthday to you!

#141477 What happens once every year?

Posted by Chase legend on 17 December 2017 - 08:34 PM




My Birthday. 



Happy birthday to me! ^w^

#140978 Private room

Posted by Flight Risk on 16 December 2017 - 10:43 PM

Please make Thermonuclear smoke devil a private room just like Kraken is, its a popular boss and you need a slayer task to kill it. I know its been suggested before but kraken has a private room so Thermonuclear smoke devil should, It's necessary for this boss.

#137947 Ironman Donator

Posted by Jedzio on 07 December 2017 - 09:52 PM

Saw this thread:  http://www.alora.io/...donator-prefix/




Instead of having the [Extreme [icon] - name] setup, why not do something like this for each donator that's an ironman?


D6PB7HM.png Regular Donator


pRL0F4Z.png Super Donator


G4eLaDM.png Extreme Donator


LyuDQkE.png Legendary Donator


VV3obLu.png Uber Donator



Would look somewhat like this: 2DEUgzz.png




But Jedzio, how are we going to differentiate Hardcore , Ultimate and Classic?


Simple, with some programming as so:

if Player.rights = UltIronman {
                Rank = "Ultimate Ironman";
                Color = "00AFFF";
                YellTitle = "<shad=70><col="+Color+"><img="Whatever the rank crown is">"+Rank+"</col></shad>";
                Display = "<shad=70><col="+Color+"></col></shad>"+c.playerName+ ": " + Misc.optimizeText(playerCommand.substring(5)));

So if a player is an Ultimate iron man, hardcore, or classic, they will appear as:  [Classic] G4eLaDM.pngJedzio

#137761 Ironmans Donator prefix

Posted by Iron Mix on 07 December 2017 - 11:32 AM

Hi, I think ironmans should also have the donation title, example:


[Extreme](ironman symbol instead of colored $) Iron Mix


I bet even more donations would come from ironmans than before.


Thank You,


Iron Mix

Basicly, replace the colored $ by the ironman symbol and keep the [prefix]

#135132 Fake Twitch Streams

Posted by Ultistic on 29 November 2017 - 06:42 PM

Hey guys,

Just bringing it to your attention that there have been multiple twitch streams that have been using my past broadcasts from my YouTube channel. Please be aware that whoever is doing this is using a phishing website to gather your information. Do not click on any links that they provide to you during the stream if you happen to come across it. The only website I stream and make videos on is YouTube. Sadly there is nothing I can do to stop them from doing this which is why I'm making an announcement regarding this issue.


#131477 Staff Update 11/17/17

Posted by Ultistic on 17 November 2017 - 09:40 PM

Hey guys, as my first "big move" as Community Manager, I have some promotions for you guys!

Promotions -

uTorrent has returned as Event Manager.
Collerkar76 has been promoted to Administrator. Jake has been with us since pretty much the beginning and we all think he deserves his chance at this role. He's been a Global moderator for well over 6 months and has shown nothing but passion towards Alora. Thanks for everything you do and continue to do!
Thorr2 has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Ramon has been promoted to Forum Moderator.

Sheep has returned as Server Moderator.
Iron Dejay has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Classic Xuf has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Ryuu has returned as Server Support.

Resignations -
Blank has resigned from Community Manager.
Algalon has resigned from Forum Moderator.

Mtam has resigned from Server Moderator.

PS - We are currently looking for motivated and passionate Server Supports to join our team. If you are interested please don't hesitate to fill out a staff application on our forums.

Alora Administration Team

#129822 Drop Rate Boost For Classics

Posted by Wedz on 10 November 2017 - 07:08 PM

No support, another server had a system where the harder game modes had better drop rates and all it did was segregate the community even more and pretty much forced people in to these said gamemodes to keep up with everyone else - this wouldn't be fair for those who have already played a lot on mains.