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Member Since 13 Oct 2019
Previous Username: 45
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2024 08:28 PM

Topics I've Started

QoL Suggestion - Skill of the Day

21 December 2019 - 12:52 PM

What is your suggestion?: 
Allow the 012e45b74a5a7599ed3c7e0eb32eba1f.png 
 bonus skill to be clickable and link to the skill of the day calendar here!


Is this in OSRS?:


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:


How would this benefit Alora?:
This QoL update would benefit newer players who are not familiar with the bonus skill schedule and how it works! I find alot of people asking what the next skill will be and to save staff time as well as other players this will empower the player to answer their own questions!

NPC Suggestion - Murky Matt

12 November 2019 - 11:38 AM

Hello Alora,

this is my first suggestion so bare with my format.

Why should we add Murky Matt?

Simply a QoL to bring use to those half used jewelry charges.


What does Murky Matt do?

This NPC allows the ability to decant partially-charged jewelry.

i.e. combining a Amulet Of Glory (1) and Amulet of Glory (3) into a fully charged Amulet of Glory (4) !


How can we implement this NPC with benefit to players and the server?

My first intuition on adding this NPC is making it only available to Donators+ 

as well as placing him here!


Please leave your thoughts below :)
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