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Elysian King

Member Since 07 Oct 2019
Offline Last Active Sep 23 2020 04:03 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: RFD's GFX STORE! | ✅ Quality *IN GAME CASH* ✅ | +60 Orders

25 January 2020 - 02:56 PM

@RFD just hit me up with this sick icon after already making my signature. Man has such a fast turn around and really amazing work. Thanks brother. <3

In Topic: [10/11/19] Treasure chest, STASH units, ToB Buff, Name change tickets, Vetera...

10 November 2019 - 10:25 AM

Potatoes are an important part of a balanced steak and potato diet. Thank you @Omicron for listening to the community on this.