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Lvl 1

Member Since 20 Aug 2019
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2019 11:48 AM

#311576 Lvl 1's intro

Posted by Lvl 1 on 24 August 2019 - 01:16 PM

Hello players of Alora! As you can see, my username is 'Lvl 1' because it was the first name I could think of. Actually it was the 2nd name I could think of since 1337_k1ll3r_123 was taken :heh:

My friend 'iron ikea1' got me playing Alora which is why we are Elite ironmen partners and he's showing me everything I need to know.


Not sure who the owner is, but he does a great job. I only had bad experiences of private servers so far and this is the first good one.


Looking forward to meeting you all ingame!