I do support this being implemented.
However, a few things come to mind which do make me hesitant on it.
Ironman mode has been in Alora for a long time and Ironmen have had to deal with "grinding" these since the Ironman release.
If your a EIM/GIM (Possibly HCIM) I completely understand the struggles of the "Grind" it takes to get these items, as these do take time, Which is why I support this.
With things like the pickaxe store, Please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm under the assumption that bronze Pickaxe/Axe(Hatchet) mine/cut at the same rate as rune so I wouldn't see any point in adding these shops in if that's the case (As I said please correct me if I'm wrong)
But to get a mithril armour set, it requires 68 smithing to create, Yes that may seem like a big grind but if you do blast furnace and buy the Ore (With Vote Book enabled and 2FA activated) in all honesty it doesn't take that long. (I've done this on a GIM/EIM)
I do like this idea however.
Iron does not mine at the same rate as rune that was changed ages ago.
I've been told by staff that the server attempts to be as similar to OSRS as possible so I don't see why you can't use the same shops as OS.
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