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gFe SB

Member Since 02 Jul 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2021 05:38 PM

#307020 gFe Diaries #2

Posted by gFe SB on 24 July 2019 - 12:39 PM


Previous topics: 


During the week myself and DB both work full time so we don’t get a huge amount of time to play. The start of the week was a struggle; still endlessly cancelling slayer tasks to get cave Kraken tasks so we can do a decent amount of Kraken boss. We have both done some normal, and some boss kills. Unfortunately, still by mid-week we had not received our trident or an additional tentacle.  Our hopes and dreams of receiving this god forsaken staff had basically been reduced to a ‘jar of dirt’. 


Knowing a lot of other ironmen had also gone very dry of this item, we kept our spirits as high as we could and carried on the grind. I think the most frustrating part was seeing other players have the RNG on their side and getting trident after trident below our kill counts. I Know I don’t have to tell anyone how frustrating an item is when you have been wanting so much to progress the accounts. 

Being on this grind has taken us away from doing herb runs which in hindsight we should have kept doing them every hour at least to make sure we stocked up more on potions; however, our grind mentality kept us in Krakens lair.


DB had gotten himself a little hobbie at work that would help us on our way. Even though he could not play all day he could afk as many dense essence as he possibly could. When getting home, he was then able to runecraft all the essense into bloods hopefully getting his trident soon (DB being over 200 boss kills in front of me) then giving to rest to me.




The time had come to achieve my trident. It was a sunny Wednesday evening. As usual I was on discord with DB and on my second kraken task of the day, my 313th boss kill, I received the trident! 




I was so excited I picked it up and just went silent until DB saw over yell what had happened. It would be fair to say he was happy for me but wasn’t too happy about all his blood runecrafting and the fact he has 478 kills in at the time. 


The accuracy I had noticed just purely on the last 28 kills of kraken I had left on task was incredible. Needless to say, I was very excited to be now using the trident which would now allow me to go back to slayer and do extreme zulrah slayer tasks. I will still be killing kraken to get my chance at the tentacle and also hopefully another trident for DB if has not received one by then. 





DB screamed through the mic as he had just got his trident on kc 484! Less than 10 minutes after receiving my own. Today was the day we would always remember. 




As I am writing this all-out DB receives a second! I repeat a second trident on kc 487! What was happening was insane! The RNG came through.




Both receiving the trident in such a close period of time has given us a huge sense of motivation to grind more through this game mode. We will now BOTH continue to look onwards and upwards.


                                                                                                                                                                                   SB                                                           DB


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#306450 gFe Diaries #1

Posted by gFe SB on 21 July 2019 - 12:21 PM



Previous topic: 


The weekends progress has slacked. We have however been getting on to do a few bits and bobs on the accounts. Obviously our current goal is still to achieve the infamous trident. 


DB and I thought we would try out a bit of bandos on the extreme tasks so we weren't going to be inefficient. DB was lucky enough to already have bandos tassets from a minion on our first attempt at bandos a week previous. I struggled along with just my torag platelegs and platebody for the remainder of the week. 


The RNG gods were looking down on me whilst i defeated my 59th kill of Graardor. They had blessed me with the bandos tassets to make my fashionscape for pvm stunning. 



During the weekend DB achieved 99 farming. With this acheivment I have obtained multiple tree seeds which i have now moved onto bigger and better farming levels. My main goal is to stock pile as many herb supplies as i can and on the day of Herblore bonux xp i shall do all i have got. Db has made his potions as he has got them. Its great for him as he doesn't have to keep stopping trips to make multiple pots. 




We have dipped our toes into a few zulrah kills while doing some extreme slayer tasks to try get a bit lucky but unfortunately we have no prevailed. So far DB has obtained 2 onyx's. 3 if you count the one he also died straight after obtaining it. I on the other hand have had no luck with drops just yet. (But we are coming for you zulrah!)


DB has obtained the kraken tent and is still going for more. He was lucky to get some abyssal demons as a slayer task and obtain a secondary whip as a back up. I am still on the grind for obtaining my second. 




Our adventure continues through the week coming to see what our luck brings. Tonight we will be taking on kraken and trying to obtain the almighty trident. We are making sure our supplies are at the ready to go straight to zulrah to take on our next goal of obtaining the blowpipe. 


Next entry : https://www.alora.io...-gfe-diaries-2/

#306187 gFe Diaries #0

Posted by gFe SB on 20 July 2019 - 04:15 AM


Hi all,


I thought i would start setting goals/ show progress through my journey on my group ironman. I am not brand new to the server so i got through quite a bit of progress to begin with. I have a maxed ironman from a couple of years ago as well which i do not use anymore.


Me and my best mate decided to start playing alora again but wanted a slight new challenge so we decided to go with group ironman accounts. He is gFe DB. 


We have been playing for a couple of weeks now getting a few bits done so i thought seeing as we both want to max the accounts and continue after that for completion it would be fun to create a type of diary to keep it all recorded. 


Here are my current stats (SB):



At the moment the number one priority is getting a trident and then following that a blowpipe for both accounts. We have done some barrows so we geared to a point.


We both help each other even though there is some best friend rivalry/ competition between us. 


I will more than likely post quite frequently even just as an update on boss logs and items w

gFe DB stats:




Next entry: