Member Since 01 Jul 2019Offline Last Active Feb 29 2020 04:52 PM
About Me
Hello! Welcome to my profile! My name is Adam. I am a 17 years old. I enjoy playing Runescape and Runescape private servers as well as CS:GO. I like to refer to myself as a gaming enthusiast as I partook in many Runescape private servers dating back to 6 years ago as well as playing OSRS since I was merely just a child. I like to partake in CS:GO gambling servers as I am currently a head administrator in one! I also enjoy being a helping hand to many players in discord servers and other games as well! Thank you for taking the time for reading!
Community Stats
Donator - Active Posts 3
- Profile Views 1,900
- Time Online4h 49m 9s
- Member Title Newbie
- Age 22 years old
- Birthday June 4, 2002