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Member Since 17 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 21 2024 01:56 AM

#311511 Donated money transfer [Custom Donation]

Posted by kahula on 24 August 2019 - 03:09 AM

i support this fully , as stated , most players who donate a larger amount or doing it consistently are all long term players , with the multiple selections of accounts or game modes to play from i find it ridiculous to expect someone to pay that sum again for said benefits on an alternate account of theirs , or even possibly add more transfer amounts per donor rank , i imagine nobody with uber or above would be expected to donate that worth again just to have it on another account , with that said i believe their should also be a limit or a fee as you said , possibly also being if you transfer a rank , you cant have the ability to transfer it back stopping players from grinding out all rare items then switching ranks back over . so full support with the idea of having some type of limiter or regulation/time period to it


#304946 New colors for ancestral

Posted by kahula on 14 July 2019 - 02:56 AM

i support this  B)  B)  :o

#303462 boss respawn timer

Posted by kahula on 04 July 2019 - 08:22 AM

What is your suggestion?:i was wondering if there was a possibility to add a respawn timer for bosses or instances such as gwd or zulrah 


Is this in OSRS?: technically no , not that i know of but in a runelite


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: no 


How would this benefit Alora?

i dont believe it could harm or cause any damage to gameplay one bit but would be very convenient for timing overhead prayers and such and knowing how much time you have left to prep before said boss spawns , overall i think it would be a helpful visual addition which could sit at the top of screen .