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Member Since 30 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2019 08:40 AM

Topics I've Started

GIM Completionist

08 March 2019 - 12:44 PM

I finally managed to get the completionist cape on my group ironman Dareeyak!


The 3 skills I chose to get to 200m for it were cooking, firemaking and prayer :)


Shoutout to my team Ancient Autists for helping me to get this so fast <3


Special shoutout to Kharyrll for bullying me for having no inferno cape and gearing me, and Sheep for his inferno guide and help during the attempt's
(I fluked inferno and beat zuk after tanking 2 hits, with 300ping)

EDIT: As per Lowkey's request, here is my played time :P (bit embarrassing)

Votebook QoL

28 February 2019 - 11:11 AM

This suggestion mainly applies to game modes with lockouts between vote books.

I think it would be useful for the addition of a chat command that would show the remaining time until your next book is ready.
Currently, you can see this dialogue by clicking to use a votebook while still on cooldown. 


Another suggestion by  Kharyrll was to add the cooldown timer to the game panel, maybe while the bonus xp timer is inactive it could show cooldown timer remaining for the next book?



Konar quo Maten

23 February 2019 - 07:01 AM

Hello friends,

My suggestion is to add Konar quo Maten to the donor zone next to the existing slayer master 


I believe this is a small QoL change for donor's, so we don't have to scroll through boss teleports looking for Alchemical Hydra :)
Additionally, could we please encourage our shy friend (shown above) to come out from behind his bush.

Thanks for reading <3


14 February 2019 - 09:01 AM

Can Alora please get marriage plugin like minecraft servers have

im thinking u will get 10% xp if you skill with your husband/wife, and possibly xp boost for matching outfits?

please consider it, would be fun


12 February 2019 - 10:18 PM

What is your suggestion?: City teleport to Brimhaven


Is this in OSRS?: No. However, there is a house teleport location here


Has this suggestion been accepted already?: It has been suggested before regarding the fruit tree patch, but I believe with the addition of calquat patch it is more important and should be added. Alternatively, making the entrance of the Brimhaven dungeon operation would work.



How would this benefit Alora?: QoL for farm runs