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Member Since 30 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Apr 15 2019 08:40 AM

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In Topic: ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

10 April 2019 - 11:08 AM

Account Name (IGN) - Dareeyak

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - hex;#3972

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -  N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) -  N/A

What rank are you applying for? - banana

What are your strengths? - Unwavering dedication to games, to the point of obsession, until I find a new game to play.


What are your weaknesses? - Unwavering dedication to games, to the point of obsession, until I find a new game to play.

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - 


A game to some..for other's, a way of life.

Upon entering this vast, untamed world, I did not know what to expect. Stumbling blindly through a forest of obstacles for which I could find no path to freedom.....oh how I dread even the memory of those days. "Where do I get an eye of newt? Where can I train agility??" questions raced through my innocent mind -  but with no ear to receive my pleas for help, I continued on my hapless journey through the darkness.

For weeks I journeyed alone in this forest of nightmares - encountering challenges that would bring a normie to his knees. Fearing I was walking in circles - defeated and excepting my fate - I curled up.... ready to die. Just as all hope was lost, an outstretched arm reached into my pit of misery, followed by a voice that inspired confidence....the humble man named Chaos simply muttered "you should join ironman cc, we can help you" - as he pulled me up into my bright new world. Tears rushed to my eyes, a once lonesome existence obliterated by the friendship of a fellow survivor of this treacherous world.

From that day on, I understood the power of comradery, the wisdom of the group, and the kindness of an outstretched arm. While many clans have come and gone, too many to name it seems, the torch has been passed to ICE - I only hope I can be an outstretched arm for adventurers to come and to contribute where I am able.

In Topic: A Suggestion For Blurite

10 April 2019 - 07:18 AM

Recently necro'd by a YouTuber, these bolts somehow regained popularity despite being garbage.

The proc chance on the bolts is horrible, and even when they do proc they then need to roll against the targets agility level (should be noted the second proc is heavily influenced by agility level) causing them to be lacklustre at best.


You will notice even the Osrs Wikia uses language like "One could conceivably" due to the fact that no-one has actually even wasted their time testing what is likely the worst stun in the game.


Unsure what niche accounts would use these - if anyone at all.

I would prefer dev time be used on anything else.

Sorry but no support from me :(

In Topic: Collection Log QoL

09 April 2019 - 06:49 AM

I would love this!!!

Not too interested in farming jars but other than that this would be good fun to try see how many I can make go GREEN

In Topic: Ironman Player-Killing Points Store

03 April 2019 - 11:48 AM

to be fair the only 'skilling supplies is bronze-addy dart tips and bstaffs/orbs lol orbs are fairly hard to collect a mass amount, and with these current prices it would take 4k pkp for 1k orbs lol. thats a t10 + a t6~ in pkp. Doesn't seem overtuned.


While this is true - wouldnt it be better to just fix the skills that are clearly not working, rather than providing free xp from an unassociated activity.
A buy-x option for broads would solve the fletching issue posted (which i do not think is a big issue because of konar bars) and crafting needs glassblowing (ive heard this is in the works) and sandstone mine / seaweed patches.

I agree that is not op in the short-term - but it completely changes the meta for these skills in the long term, as killing skotizo every day adds up over time and would likely be FAR superior to wasting time gathering the resources for these skills.

EDIT: As pointed out by another user - ironmen can participate in skotizo's spawned by other people, which could become a major factor in ironman gameplay (afk kourend alts for totem grinding)

In Topic: Ironman Player-Killing Points Store

03 April 2019 - 11:31 AM

The pets and the ironman pk leaderboard are both very cool and i would love to see both ingame

I don't like that the other suggestion could take away from the ironman playstyle, however - skilling supplies or other progress items should not be included.
I also think the ability to get item's like this through a pkp store would just incentivize pkp farming and boosting far beyond what already occurs on normal accounts.

Soulbearer and wilderness sword both seem good too, but i disagree with crystal keys / bloody keys / skilling supplies