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Real Alan

Member Since 07 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2025 07:27 AM

#507162 Crystal Implings Shards

Posted by Real Alan on 04 February 2025 - 10:59 PM

What is your suggestion?:


Make crystal shards a guaranteed drop from looting crystal implings

Crystal Implings = Regular loot + crystal shard


Is this in OSRS?:



Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:


killing most npcs -> regular loot + bones

killing demons -> regular loot + ashes


It would be nice if....

catching crystal implings -> regular loot + crystal shards


Currently, players need to catch ~18 crystal implings before getting any crystal shards

#507123 Term Limits on Staffing

Posted by Real Alan on 04 February 2025 - 08:51 AM

What is your suggestion?:


Add term limits on staff (1,000 days)



Is this in OSRS?:

No, but it is in real life 





Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

It would limit staff corruption and power abuse


And it would also open our community to new people with new ideas to solve our community's problems




Besides, certain staff members can really benefit from spending less time staffing and more time touching grass

#507121 Buff Dragonstone Armour Drop Rate

Posted by Real Alan on 04 February 2025 - 08:36 AM

What is your suggestion?:


Buff Dragonstone armour drop rate from elven crystal chest


Is this in OSRS?:




With Alora 1.23x rate adjustment, the 1/500 osrs rate should be 1/406.5

If you include donor rank bonuses, the drop rate should definitely be better than 1/400


Currently on Alora, the rate is likely closer to 1/1,000


Personally, I've only received 1/5 pieces in over 800 rolls (with master donor rank)


Which is way too many rolls for an RSPS




Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:


There is no reason for Alora drop rates to be worse than OSRS


It's 2025.  Fix your game.

#506486 Herbiboar

Posted by Real Alan on 30 January 2025 - 08:55 AM

95% of the time...


the people that don't support drop rate boosts ...


are also the same people....


that don't do the (shit-rng) content...


This just creates a feedback loop of more and more dead content.


It's 2025.  Fix your game.  No one is going to want to do 5,000 herbiboar runs for a herbi pet.


Let's be real, a 1/1,000 rate makes much more sense for a RSPS.  

#506366 Herbiboar

Posted by Real Alan on 29 January 2025 - 08:06 AM

Support!  Expecting players on a RSPS to be willing to do 5,000 runs of herbiboar?  Come on bruh, it's 2025.

1/1,000 seems like a much more reasonable drop rate for Alora.

#505956 Munken

Posted by Real Alan on 25 January 2025 - 01:52 PM

Damn, he sounds better at staffing than To gain already

Go Munken and @Ruck Staff!  

#505411 Mixology/Giant's Foundry/Mahogany Homes bonus points

Posted by Real Alan on 20 January 2025 - 02:10 PM


Bonus Barrows... PC... pkp... those bonus are from the fking stone age...

It's 2025 bro

We need updated bonuses like the ones mentioned above and minimals mondays...

Otherwise, this game is fking boring.  People got better things to do with their lives.  

Well... most people do... aside from @Ruck Staff that get off on circle jerking each other with their seasonal staff awards

#505270 Pet Boosters

Posted by Real Alan on 19 January 2025 - 04:32 AM

This game suggestion in a nutshell




SG - What type of booster is this?


Everyone else - This is a pet booster.


SG - Is it a metamorphic dust in a pet booster?


Everyone else - No... it's a pet in a pet booster.  

#505222 Suggestion: HCUIM

Posted by Real Alan on 18 January 2025 - 04:51 PM

You right.  I didn't expect it to be literally less than 1 hour of work.  That's crazy.

He'd have to add HCUIM highscores as well, but if he can get it all done that fast... who am I to stop him from cashing out on a few quick bucks?

His game, not mine.  


As for "If we were adding content based on how much people it affects, we'd not add half the content to the game, including Realism."

Realism is the closest xp rate Alora has to offer to OSRS.  It appeals to people who want to stay closer to OSRS.

Which is a pretty big chunk of players... A lot of people wanted it -> so we got it


- If OSRS announces that they're adding HCUIM -> I would support this  If we don't include normal/classic/realism modes, half of our game modes were before OSRS, so I'm not really seeing what you're implying.


I'm implying that I'm willing to find some common ground.  Here's what it would take to convince me (if OSRS players want it)

It's not a HARD NO from me.  More like a... I personally would not be interested.  I'm open to convincing though.  

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#505047 Buff Nightmare & Phosani Nightmare Drop Rates

Posted by Real Alan on 17 January 2025 - 08:44 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Buff Nightmare & Phosani Nightmare Drop Rates

Especially for orbs



There is a major orb supply deficit here on Alora



Orb prices on Alora are ridiculously high








Plus there are very few orb listings on TP (1 currently for max cash)




What does this all mean?

There is a major orb supply deficit here on Alora



Is this problem in OSRS?:

No, OSRS does not have the same orb supply deficit


Take a look at the prices of orbs on OSRS




On OSRS, each orb is under 420m


Meanwhile the best uniques for COX, TOB, TOA, and Corp are 1.6B, 1.6B, 1.1B, and 0.7B



So what does this mean?

Orbs are significantly more common on the OSRS game

They are just a fraction of the price of twisted bow, scythe, shadow, and elysian














Meanwhile on Alora, the price of orbs are nearly equal to that of a twisted bow






Orbs are not as accessible to players on Alora as on OSRS

This is a big problem


Has this suggestion been suggested already?:

Yes and supported by the community a billion times already


How would this benefit Alora?:

Alora is a RSPS

Nobody plays an RSPS to go dryer than OSRS


It's 2025 bro

If players have more drops doing nightmare on OSRS than on Alora, investing time into Alora is going to be far less appealing

This is part of the reason why OSRS league was so successful this year


Perhaps Alora could benefit too if they followed suit

What do you think? 


Leave a comment below

#503580 Santa Hat + $10 Bond Giveaway

Posted by Real Alan on 26 December 2024 - 10:05 PM

Favorite alora moment of the year - getting un-perm forum muted 

#502786 Realism Potion Shop Adjustments

Posted by Real Alan on 13 December 2024 - 09:44 AM

What is your suggestion?:

Increase the cost of realism potions from the shopkeeper in Edgeville

(by 3x)


to factor in..

1. cost of farming the herbs (seed cost/10 + time)

2. collecting the secondary ingredients (time)

3. paying Zahur (1,666 gp/potion)



Time value of 1 click 


Compensation for time spent picking up herbs, red spider eggs, snape grass, mort myre fungus etc.

(opportunity cost)


potion cost = seed cost/10 + 1clicktime cost + 1clicktime cost + zahur cost 

potion cost = seed cost/10 + 8528 + 8528 + 1666

potion cost = 18,722 + seed cost/10


In other words, the current shop prices are way too low.

Player shops cannot compete.

This messes up the whole Realism herblore market.

Herbs and secondaries on TP are only purchased for herblore xp.

If players want potions for PVM, they just buy it for cheap from the shopkeeper who has unlimited stock

Which makes no sense btw - even the rune shops have limited stock

Ultimately, this ruins the supply and demand of herblore items on the TP.

Herbs have not been selling well (above 1clicktime cost 8,528 gp).


Buyer side - entire completed potions currently cost less than that (prayer potion 6,000 gp)

(only buying for herblore xp, pointless buying more herbs when limited by secondaries)


Seller side - individuals cannot sell herbs/unf potions bundled with their respective secondary in TP

Herb sales are often times limited by availability of secondaries


As a result, we should fix this by tripling the cost of potions  

21k for a super strength, attack, defense, magic, and range pot

This makes sense because its higher than 18,722 (the minimum cost for players to make potions)


Has this suggestion been accepted already?:



How would this benefit Alora?:

It would fix the herb and secondary ingredients market on Realism

#502725 Looking for or to start Group ironman team

Posted by Real Alan on 12 December 2024 - 08:20 AM

If you get bored of playing GIM or tired of buying GIM tickets & ironman banks, the Realism team welcomes you.  

We're a bit like a server-wide GIM group with our own eco (apart from Normie & Classic), and we use Discord to coordinate with each other.  


Posted by Real Alan on 12 December 2024 - 08:15 AM

Support for dungeons in POH

If 50 shades can get a dungeon, why can't Alora?




Even Spongebob has a dungeon...



Alora be slacking...

#499919 My Problem with Staff 4

Posted by Real Alan on 06 November 2024 - 06:15 AM

what are the differences between *ruck to gain* and *ruck staff*?

What's wrong with @Ruck Staff ?




And what's wrong with @ RUCK T0 GAlN ?
