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Real Alan

Member Since 07 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2025 07:27 AM

User's Awards

Twisted League Iron Trophy :: Obtain 5,000 points in Leagues 4.0

Obtained on 2025-01-19. (8100 League Points)

Obtain 5,000 points in Leagues 4.0

Given on 19 January 2025 - 12:19 AM by Omicron

Twisted League Iron Trophy :: Obtain 5,000 points in Leagues 4.0

Obtained on 2025-01-19. (7380 League Points)

Obtain 5,000 points in Leagues 4.0

Given on 19 January 2025 - 12:19 AM by Omicron

Twisted League Dragon Trophy :: Obtain 50,000 points in Leagues 4.0

Obtained on 2025-01-19. (65500 League Points)

Obtain 50,000 points in Leagues 4.0

Given on 19 January 2025 - 12:19 AM by Omicron

Trailblazer Reloaded Dragon Trophy :: Obtain 46,000 points in Leagues 3.0

Obtained on 2024-05-14. (53190 League Points)

Obtain 46,000 points in Leagues 3.0

Given on 14 May 2024 - 02:31 PM by Omicron

Sinhaza Shroud Tier 3 :: Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on Raids 2 / Theatre of Blood.

Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on Raids 2 / Theatre of Blood.

Given on 01 April 2023 - 04:46 PM by Omicron

Infernal Cape :: Achieved Infernal Cape

Obtained Infernal cape on 2023-02-08. (#9)

Achieved Infernal Cape

Given on 07 February 2023 - 11:26 PM by Omicron

Sherlock :: Achieved by completing 1000 Clue Scrolls

Given on 16 January 2023 - 04:10 AM by Omicron

Tombs of Amascut :: Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 3 / Tombs of Amascut.

Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 3 / Tombs of Amascut.

Given on 05 January 2023 - 06:22 PM by Omicron

wow such giver :: Awarded to those that have contributed towards the 6th year anniversary drop party.

Given on 05 November 2022 - 03:19 PM by Kyle

Collector I :: Achieved by collecting 100 items in the collection log.

Achieved by collecting 100 items in the collection log.

Given on 02 September 2022 - 01:47 PM by Arosa

Collector II :: Achieved by collecting 300 items in the collection log.

Achieved by collecting 300 items in the collection log.

Given on 02 September 2022 - 01:47 PM by Arosa

Collector III :: Achieved by collecting 750 items in the collection log.

Achieved by collecting 750 items in the collection log.

Given on 02 September 2022 - 01:47 PM by Arosa

The Nex :: Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nex.

Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nex.

Given on 02 September 2022 - 01:47 PM by Arosa

Event Champion - Boss Massacre :: Given to the player who was MVP during the event.

Given to the player who were MVP during the event.

Given on 06 April 2022 - 01:46 PM by Moe

The Nightmare :: Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nightmare.

Awarded to those with over 500 killcount on the Nightmare.

Given on 03 March 2022 - 01:58 PM by Omicron

The Benefactor :: Awarded to those that have contributed towards the 5th year anniversary drop party.

Given on 05 November 2021 - 12:32 PM by Moe

Bounty Hunter Tier 2 :: Awarded by reaching a kill streak of 200

Awarded by reaching a kill streak of 200

Given on 06 October 2021 - 05:11 PM by Classic

Quality Approved :: Given to those with a bunch of likes on their forum posts.

Given to those with a bunch of likes on their forum posts.

Given on 28 July 2021 - 03:14 AM by Kyle

Post Addict :: Given to people who just post a bunch. You've got an addiction.

Given to people who just post a bunch. You've got an addiction.

Given on 28 July 2021 - 03:14 AM by Kyle

Wilderness Collector :: Rewarded to those who complete all the Wilderness boss collection logs.

An award given to those who complete all the Wilderness collection logs. This includes Venenatis, Callisto, Chaos elemental, Vet'ion, and Scorpia.

Given on 27 July 2021 - 10:04 PM by Linkki

Unbeatable :: Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different wildy bosses.

Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different wildy bosses.

Given on 27 July 2021 - 12:06 PM by Moe

Event Champion - Flower Poker Tournament :: Given to the player who came first in the tournament.

Given to the player who came first in the tournament.

Given on 02 July 2021 - 01:19 PM by Moe

Cold-blooded I :: Defeated 500 players

Defeated 500 players

Given on 11 June 2021 - 01:09 AM by A

Innovator :: You've suggested a bunch of great content, some of which we've already added to the game. Keep em' coming!

You've suggested a bunch of great content, some of which we've already added to the game. Keep em' coming!

Given on 07 April 2021 - 05:17 AM by Moe

Minigamer :: Completed the Mage Arena and Pest Control section of the minigames tab in your collection log

Completed the Mage Arena and Pest Control section of the minigames tab in your collection log

Given on 07 April 2021 - 01:00 AM by Omicron

Vocal :: You speak your mind, and back it up with evidence. You always get some controversy, but are always civil in discussions.

You speak your mind, and back it up with evidence. You always get some controversy, but are always civil in discussions.

Given on 06 April 2021 - 04:28 AM by Adex

Completionist :: Awarded to those who've achieved the Completionist Cape

Awarded to those who've acquired the Completionist Cape.

Given on 06 April 2021 - 04:21 AM by Adex

Event Champion - Boss Massacre :: Given to the player who was MVP during the event.

Given to the player who were MVP during the event.

Given on 21 February 2021 - 01:24 PM by Moe

Bounty Hunter Tier 1 :: Awarded by reaching a kill streak of 100

Awarded by reaching a kill streak of 100

Given on 11 February 2021 - 08:29 AM by Adex

Xeric's Guard :: Awarded to those with over 50 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Awarded to those with over 50 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Given on 30 October 2020 - 05:32 PM by Champ

Scroll Sack :: Awarded to those who’ve acquired a Scroll Sack

Awarded to those who’ve acquired an Scroll Sack

Given on 17 September 2020 - 01:47 PM by Champ

Award Collector :: Awarded to those who've collected more than 10 forums awards.

Awarded to those who've collected more than 10 forum awards.

Given on 17 September 2020 - 01:47 PM by Champ

Bug Knight :: You have reported many bugs, and vulnerabilities while Alora has been up.

You have reported many bugs, and vulnerabilities while Alora has been up.

Given on 17 September 2020 - 01:47 PM by Champ

Bug Finder :: Awarded to members who have helped identify bugs!

Awarded to members who have identified major bugs, or small bugs on a consistent basis.

Given on 17 September 2020 - 01:47 PM by Champ

Daily Gamer :: Achieved by reaching 100 days playtime in-game

Given on 17 September 2020 - 01:47 PM by Champ

Theatre of Blood :: Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 2 / Theatre of Blood.

Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 2 / Theatre of Blood.

Given on 10 September 2020 - 05:35 AM by Champ

Chamber of Xeric :: Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Given on 10 September 2020 - 05:35 AM by Champ

Unforgiven :: Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different non-wildy bosses.

Awarded to those with over 1000 kills on 3 different non-wildy bosses.

Given on 11 August 2020 - 04:28 AM by Champ

Asskisser :: Do we really need to explain this one?

Do we really need to explain this one?

Given on 19 July 2020 - 06:12 AM by Champ

Pet Collector :: Awarded to those who have obtained at least 15 individual pets.

Awarded to those who have obtained at least 15 individual pets.

Given on 19 July 2020 - 06:12 AM by Champ

Big Spender :: You've spent a ton of money supporting Alora. Thanks for the contributions!

Awarded to those who've reached legendary donator.

Given on 19 July 2020 - 06:11 AM by Champ

Iron Boss :: Achieved by maxing an Ironman.

Given on 19 July 2020 - 06:11 AM by Champ

Realist :: Achieved for maxing a Realism account.

Achieved for maxing a Realism account.

Given on 20 April 2020 - 12:40 AM by Doc Hellish

The Generous :: Awarded to those who continuously show their generosity by often hosting events/giveaways

Awarded to those who continuously show their generosity by often hosting events/giveaways

Given on 15 April 2020 - 10:43 AM by Moe

Star :: You're well known, and respected in the community.

You're well known, and respected in the community.

Given on 15 April 2020 - 10:43 AM by Moe