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Member Since 11 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 23 2025 07:42 PM

#229281 [28/10/18] Halloween Event, Alorian Capes, Donator toggles, Banking QOL &...

Posted by Syntax on 29 October 2018 - 01:55 PM

make it so we can exit the bank interface by clicking outside of the bank interface, just like osrs @Omicron - this way players don't have to always hit the x out option in the top right to leave the bank interface


-just here to put something for you to add every time you post :D


awesome QOL updates as usual

#223505 [8/10/18] PvP Armour and Weapons, Soul Runecrafting, Lunar spells & more...

Posted by Syntax on 08 October 2018 - 08:25 AM

update the clanchat to display how many members are in the clanchats @Omicron




this will help when raiding, and in larger clanchats

#220192 Staff Update 9/23/18

Posted by Syntax on 26 September 2018 - 05:43 AM

congrats ladies, do us proud

#212840 Staff Update 8/27/18

Posted by Syntax on 27 August 2018 - 10:28 AM

I feel like these staff promotion threads are becoming a weekly thing, I'll hope it's a good sign

#193365 Ranks Clan Chat & Raids

Posted by Syntax on 13 June 2018 - 11:18 AM

support, this should def be implemented!

#191313 Staff Update 5/31/2018

Posted by Syntax on 05 June 2018 - 05:28 PM

@Hot Cakes thought you'd never see the light noob

#188826 [27/5/18]Chaos Altar perks, Client overlays (item/bank), Daily Task streaks,...

Posted by Syntax on 28 May 2018 - 01:02 PM

great work @Omicron - glad to see you add the wilderness chaos altar prayer experience functionality for wilderness activity.


Going to keep requesting !redskull command which makes players unable to protect any items. This will bring in more activity in the pking aspect of the server. Players often enjoy high risk fights, and this will encourage such. It shouldn't be too hard to code compared to the benefits it will bring.


-- You should add a master donor perk where all dragon bone drops in the wilderness are in noted form, with lava dragon bones being a toggle option (since burying them in the lava maze gives boosted experience). This is a perk given in OSRS for completing one of the achievement diaries.


You could also include noted daganoth king bones as an uber/master perk too

#187310 New potential in-game rule.

Posted by Syntax on 21 May 2018 - 02:30 PM

Is there some kind of !streaming command where it says who's live


-if not we should add this and just ban mass yells all together

#185316 [13/5/18] Daily Tasks, Arclight, Kurask Expansion, Hotzone system + PvP updat...

Posted by Syntax on 13 May 2018 - 10:57 AM

Kurask expansion! the game is complete, finally!


Next needed updates is !redskull - Great command for your youtubers @Omicron This way they can have high risk fights and ensure no one protects item. This prevents scamming, and makes risk fighting more reliable.


Another needed update for the wilderness is letting players use the wilderness prayer altar (chaos altar) just like in old school. Players can use bones on the altar, and have a 50 percent chance of it not using their bones. They can bring noted bones and have an npc unnote them for cash. This brings wilderness activity up which is always a plus. Here's a youtube video to look at Dan 


Again, nice updates!!


(gear loadouts would also be 10/10 for this server, both for pvm and pking) I would legit come back to pk if gear loadouts were a thing) 

#182115 New potential in-game rule.

Posted by Syntax on 30 April 2018 - 09:17 AM

agree, had to do my fair sure of kicking them off the game when they did that

#181633 Ironman looting and trading regular drops [READ]

Posted by Syntax on 28 April 2018 - 11:08 AM

A suggestion that was up for a while but declined was classics recieving a key with the loot they pked that could only be opened with a regular account, and it got declined because it was too much coding, so i highly doubt this will pass. 

I've come with terms with the fact that if i want to pk for something else than  pkp, i'll do it on my normie.


that's broken in itself considering they could save so much inventory space. Like I said the only logical reason for this being declined would be the coding involved. @Omicron curious on how difficult this might be.

  • KP likes this

#181601 Ironman looting and trading regular drops [READ]

Posted by Syntax on 28 April 2018 - 07:46 AM

Ironman should be able to loot items that they can't currently, due to ironman restrictions.
These items would be grayed out or have a red "x" over them. Ironmen would never be able to use the items on their ironmen accounts.
Ironmen could trade these grayed out items on the grand exchange or trade them to other players.
Ironmen would receive grayed out cash/bonds/items when they receive GP or items from other players when they sell their grayed items.
Ironmen could then xfer the cash/items onto their alts which are non iron, and receive the items/gp which would no longer be grayed/red x'd.
This would allow Ironmen to pk, group pvm w/ other players, loot random crap on the ground from drop parties, buy bonds, etc.
Ironmen could toggle this option off to avoid accidentally looting herbs and other slayer drops on task if they were only looking for their own drops.
If this could be coded, it could honestly revolutionize ironman mode on OSRS as well.

#179828 [21/4/18] Storage Box for Elite Ironmen, Bug fixes, QOL and more!

Posted by Syntax on 21 April 2018 - 11:54 PM





ty for update though - the 60 minute death timer for UIM is awesome to see. Can you add all game modes to main homepage just like osrs too


Is the 60 minute timer for UIM only? @Omicron

#179813 Syntax's demands for Omicron

Posted by Syntax on 21 April 2018 - 10:12 PM

I know these have been suggested before, but I want to be a pain and tag Omicron


  • OSRS expansion for kurasks added to Alora (800+ people online and only 4-5 kurasks means only 1 person gets to slay them for the entire server)


  • Fix ironman/classics not being able to pickup their drops when another users drop(s) are on the same tile.


  • Update Runelocus' player # picture, it's the old one from Raw Envy's days and needs to be updated to better show Alora's success


  • !redskull gives user a bounty hunter skull which makes them protect 0 items (risk fights)

#173091 Dutchie's QoL suggestions

Posted by Syntax on 25 March 2018 - 03:39 AM

upper level kurasks needs to happen @Omicron