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Mar 11, 2025 10:03 pm#510245 Variant's 8 Month Account Recap
Posted by
072 on Yesterday, 05:57 PMWell done on the grind and best of luck on your future goals brother.
#404675 MvP ToB
Posted by
072 on 29 July 2021 - 02:02 PMIn CoX, points are awarded based on certain actions (damaging monsters, fishing, creating potions, cooking, building storage units, etc). In ToB, points are only ever gained from damaging enemies. Either way, the purpose of using Raid boosters is to boost your points within a raid for a better chance at loot, and since ToB has the MVP system, there is a slight advantage over your team mates if you’re using a booster. With that being said, there was always a slight advantage over other players if you’re using a booster — that has been the point of boosters since the beginning.
However, our MVP system is nowhere near as advantageous as OSRS’. On OSRS, only one player has a chance at a rare reward, so it is crucial that you get MVP. On Alora, we’ve made it so that all players have a chance at rare loot, with the MVP having a slightly higher chance.The MvP system could just be made that it doesn't get influenced by the booster. So just points without the booster. However the boosted points will still give the one using a raid booster higher chance for the drop. The statistics board should just be about the one putting the most effort in the raid. And it's just odd that even with 2 deaths and using a booster people will still be the MvP of the raid, just because of the booster, while in fact, the person isn't.
So what I suggest is that the board looks at the points minus the extra points from the booster.
On top of that it's kind of unfair to have the true MvP don't get the slightly higher chance because someone else uses a booster. Because you have rightfully earned that boost for the efforts in the raid.
- Real Alan likes this
#404541 MvP ToB
Posted by
072 on 28 July 2021 - 10:54 AMWhat is your suggestion?:
MvP in ToB is currently affected by using a Raid Booster while MvP should be the one who contributed the most within the raid itself.
Is this in OSRS?:
Yes, OSRS doesn't have Raid Boosters so the one contributing the most will be the MvP.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
No, and haven't been suggested before.
How would this benefit Alora?:
MvP would be like it's intented to be.
- Real Alan likes this
#404417 [qol] Kourend Catacombs Jellies
Posted by
072 on 27 July 2021 - 12:18 PM
#396416 Team CoX
Posted by
072 on 06 May 2021 - 04:32 AM
Maby this can be a solution ?
Pretty sure we don't get points from drinking pots like ovls/brews.
If this gets added it might balance out the points for average team raid/solo raid more compared to OSRS.
Alora Solo raid point average is from 5k-8k points per solo raid, i remember in OSRS getting around 25k per raid.(duopoints around 55k-70k)getting points from raids potions was in my previous suggestion
- Memento Mori likes this
#396397 Team CoX
Posted by
072 on 05 May 2021 - 03:59 PMNo for me. Groups go way faster than solo's and should not provide more loot than solo's especially since you can 12 minute speed run.
Please read the suggestion again.
The whole point of this suggestion is to make the raid in team size a little bit more longer and that more points can be acquired than the current state.
Don't get me wrong, solo's will still be the best way to farm purples. Team cox will just become more worth it than it currently is.
- 1 likes this
#396394 Team CoX
Posted by
072 on 05 May 2021 - 03:53 PMWhat is your suggestion?:
So I have been thinking all week to find a solution where team Chambers of Xerics would be more profitable and this is what I came up with.
According to @Omicron his reaction to my topic that was earlier posted points do matter in Chambers. I know that alot of players do think otherwise but let's put it like this. You may have encountered some players that would get a purple by having 0 points, well I can tell you this, I have encountered more players that would get a purple on higher points.
Upon running my tests last week I've also seen that team Chambers of Xerics do earn a lot less points as solo's, and the rooms are alot more easier if you compare it to solo's... So I wanted a solution that would keep solo's the same for people that would like to do solo's. But for the players that do like doing teams more profitable.
My solution to this is to increase the increments (hp that is added to the npc) per person that has entered the raid. So that more points will be gotten for each person throughout the raid.
- More loot for team CoX (Solo CoX would be still the best rates, it would just be more worth doing team raids than it currently is.
- Does not affect solo's how some people like it- The raid will be a little bit longer & more fun
Is this in OSRS?:
It would make the scaling a bit more realistic.Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
How would this benefit Alora?:
It would make team raiding more fun and profitable.
- 1, Doc Hellish, Lerak and 1 other like this
#395896 Chambers of Xerics suggestions
Posted by
072 on 29 April 2021 - 08:24 PMPlease make the drop rate for team COX equal to solos.
I don't see the point of a higher drop rate when doing solos as it is extremely easy. I'm currently doing solo runs in 15-17 minutes with a pb of 14 mins without tbow or scythe.
In TOB it's logical that the droprate increases as the team gets smaller, because the content gets harder and harder. This is absolutely not the case for COX.
I have been extremely dry at cox the past few months and solos are getting so damn boring after 370 raids. Would love to see this getting changed so I can continue the grind for a tbow with my clanmates.
I think solo's are actually easier than team raids too. Tob droprate increases because when smaller party the raid doesnt scale back. However, for cox it does scale up, in addition to having more olm phases etc.
- Lerak likes this
#395019 Chambers of Xerics suggestions
Posted by
072 on 17 April 2021 - 02:02 PMOlm changes:
- When having the red circle at olm it should only hit the player underneath not next to you.
I'll leave Olm as it is for the rest for now since players wanted to keep this as it is.
Skeletal mystics changes:
- Way too accurate even through prayer, and also hit too much.
Tekton changes:
- Rather than tekton instantly throwing sparks at the start of the room he just waits at the anvil until you wake him up.
- When tekton is hitting the anvil the sparks are just too random, while when you walk 2 tiles each sparks you shouldn't get hit.
- Make Elder maul / Scythe / Lance / Rapier / Inquisitor's mace BIS again at Tekton rather than just blowpiping the boss.
Vasa changes:
- When vasa throwing rocks players should be able to evade them by moving 2 tiles. this is currently not possible.
Ice demon changes:
- Make Fire surge BIS at Ice demon.
- It could also be a fun idea to see the Arclight being used at Ice demon since it is a demon.
Prep room:
- When choosing the right click option to take a specific farming tool it still gives a new dialogue. Should just give the tool instead of a new dialogue.
- Make it possible to split potions. For example 4 dose overload, use it on the empty vial from raids to make 2 2-dose overloads.
- Make elder / kodai / twisted potions boost to 120 without the perk of it staying at 120 (like ovls). It would just go down like regular potions but give an actual use throughout the raid.
- Make overload potions reboostable before timer ends, however if you boost before the timer ends, it will cancel the 50 heal hitpoints at the end of the timer and will damage you a total of 50 hitpoints for the new overload.
- The use of raid potions should give points, ofcourse with cap, like OSRS.- Any raid potion (4), (3), (2), (1) should be insta visible upon dropping so potions like overloads can be properly shared.
- A little QoL for bigger raids would be that Vanguards/Tekton/Muttadiles would drop OvL's equal to players in raid.Split potions / insta visible pots will fix
- Thieving room, experience per chest
- Rather than already displaying the received drop in the chatbox, display:
[playername] has received a unique drop!
That way it would make opening the chest a little bit more fun after seeing the unique light, and when in teams, team mates know you have unique drop. After chest have been opened the current dialogue should come, which will reveal the drop.
This could also be added in the form of a plugin function.
Sinning, on 29 Apr 2021 - 10:28 AM, said:
Also not sure if you have done vespula but that portal has way to much defense whether you use blowpipe sang or tbow. As well as the fact you will not survive using the redemption method seeing vespula hits you 15+ pretty consistently. Give me any other room and it can be done but sometimes vespula with rng just makes you restart.
Maybe after the rework is done, a Challenge mode would be fun content to enjoy as end-game players to set world records for specific group sizes. CM would be a full raid with increased damage, monster hp, points and better chance for loot as well as world records.
If you have any additions feel free to post below, so I can add them to this post.
#377537 Feedback October 2020
Posted by
072 on 20 October 2020 - 09:08 AMLast year I made a suggestion on these transferrable donator ranks. This suggestion was left to be ignored for half a year. Then silently declined. For what reason would it be possible with a 20.000 dollar rank and not 10.000 dollar? And where does this end? Will we have 100K donator ranks in 4 years? And at what cost?
- Doc Hellish, Aritus, Code 002 and 3 others like this
#376846 Solo tob?
Posted by
072 on 15 October 2020 - 01:51 AMThis scaling is not on OSRS and should not be on here aswell. People do ToB solo's right now so it can be done, however it requires some skill.
I suggest you wait till any of the clans organise a ToB learner event or if you are already experienced, try doing ToB during one of the ToB Bonus events. It's a good opportunity to meet new raiders and become part of the groups who raid off-bonus aswell.There's bonus tonight at 4PM server time. See https://www.alora.io...42020-10152020/ for more info.
If you meet the minimum stats/gear requirements (see: https://www.alora.io...-blood-guide/ ) I can take you along during the bonus tonight. Just add me ingame with the username "Patta" and throw me a PM.
No support on this suggestion.
- Doc Hellish and Cultured like this