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Member Since 05 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Jun 10 2019 01:49 PM

#299834 Hello, I'm Realitea

Posted by Realitea on 10 June 2019 - 01:26 PM

Hi there,


I'm Realitea and I'm currently the rank one total Realism player.


I don't normally bother with introduction threads but there's been some mis-information about me over the past few days so I thought I would share some information about who I am (and who I am not). So let's start with a few things I am not:


  • I am not Kharyrll
  • I am not Josh's Brother
  • I am not 3 Asian people sharing an account
  • I am not smoking meth
  • I am not entering the $1500 tournament

And a few things I am:


  • I am new to Alora, I started playing a few days before KotS 3 where I placed second.
  • I am enjoying the new game mode very much
  • I am hoping to get the first 1800 total achievement (but we will see, I have a few things on over the next week).
  • I am British and I do like tea.

Feel free to message me in game, I'm usually pretty friendly and as I'm new I could always use a new friend :)

