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Mitch Fe

Member Since 02 Jun 2019
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2024 03:14 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Birdhouses

04 June 2019 - 12:11 AM


Birdhouses would be a great addition to the Hunter skill! The passive xp and bird nests would be fantastic for all communities, I can't see anything wrong with this.

In Topic: Achievement Diary Rework

04 June 2019 - 12:07 AM

This is too much-- the current system that is already implemented would work fine with some simple tweaks. Removing unnecessary items and adding more useful ones, as well as some way to refund purchases. I feel like what you're suggesting isn't worth all of the time, although I could see how amazing this would be-- I would be ecstatic if this idea was planted and took root within the Alora staff. Nice post, I love how much effort you put into it!

In Topic: Achievement Diary Reward System-- Rework?

04 June 2019 - 12:02 AM

could definitely use some better and more intuitive achievements.  Any suggestions on fixes?

The current system is already very well implemented, I would just tweak some of the current item choices we have-- as well as add an item refund option.

  • Ram Skull helmet, Bomber cap & jacket, Bone sack, Lumberjack & Pyromancer sets are all cosmetics and have no real value(to my current knowledge, please correct me if I am wrong). Achievements should hold more weight, and all of these seem entirely out of place.
  • The Cooking gauntlets, Tome of fire, Bonecrusher, Varrock armor, Karamja gloves, and Ardougne cloak 4 are all great, no need to change anything there.
  • Amulet of nature, and Chaos gauntlets are the only ones I am not too sure about... If you could bind the Amulet of nature to an herb patch and have it auto-display a message in your chat box that your herb run is ready, it would have a lot more value. The Chaos gauntlets are tricky, I'd say just leave them in at the end of the day... There are already so many random items strewn about the shops that I'd have to really take a lot of time to theory-craft replacements and potential item swaps with other shops.
  • At the end of the day, I'd say bring in the all of the other diary pieces; I know they're available by other means, but it seems cheap that they aren't a part of the achievement diary rewards. At least the Explorer's Ring 4-- that cabbage teleport is an incredible time-saver for all new accounts.

These are just some basic thoughts off of the top of my head, I'm sure other people could come up with better options.