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iron swords

Member Since 29 May 2019
Offline Last Active Jun 09 2019 11:20 AM

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In Topic: Please add these simple suggestions...

05 June 2019 - 06:25 PM

1.Support, whats taking so long?

2. Support. GIM has been out long enough.. Please allow GIM to pickup/use Bloody keys. Or specifically code it so GIM can sell it for like 10-20m Gp at an NPC and NOT use on chest.

3. Support-> Please either add a way for 4/5 players to vote to kick (no donating involved) OR Reduce the amount of money to $10 MAX.. Because if you look at it in the grand scheme of things. You really shouldn't have to pay money to remove someone...Because lets say this. me and 4 IRL friends hop on this server to make a GIM team, one of our friends unfortunately passes away due to an illness. Now your telling me, after crying our eyes out now we have to sit there and OPEN OUR WALLETS, and drop $25 so that we can have someone else take his place on the team? So now we're $25 short and our friend is gone? Obviously this is just one example but I'm sure this has happened or god-forbid will happen to a team at one point. As stated on #2, GIM has been out long enough, lets make things right, instead of trying to segregate.  


4. N/A

on #2, even if they cant pick it up atleast remove it from the drop table so we don't get surprised once we get a bloody key, and realize we can't pick it up.

In Topic: Please add these simple suggestions...

04 June 2019 - 11:40 PM

I disagree with that. 1. The bloody keys shouldn’t be available for the ironman modes at all. This is already easy scape and I rather keep it this way. The GIm tickets wasn’t intended to even exist in game. Omicron eventually made an exception to it due it was requested many times. Last one the voting system works fine by me and I’m pretty sure also to lots of others.

So again, you don’t call this logic?


why weren't GIM tickets intended to exist? What do you do when you have a 5th (or anyone ) in your group that's not helping your team out and is a waste... would you say to put up with him? well... it'd be nice if we had a easier way to get rid of GIM dead members that are risky to have 4 other people quit the rsps if one day they login and decide to take everything from the group's bank.. that way you will lose 4 more people from the server?

In Topic: Please add these simple suggestions...

04 June 2019 - 04:36 PM

1. Sure not a bad idea.
2. Stop crying lol, it had been suggested a lot of times before.
3. No thanks.
4. What? Stop raging, lol.


maybe your response could've been less personal and more related to logic..... and noone's crying, it's just embarrassing to see such things in a rsps this good... it has great content but needs fixing and these fixing will happen if people actually look at it with reason and try to imagine how these fixes  (and a lot other fixes) can fix this server up even more.