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- Active Posts 62
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- Time Online16d 11h 32m 20s
- Member Title Server Support
- Age 27 years old
- Birthday September 12, 1997
Poki ^_^
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#75884 Bring Back Castlewars - an RS Tradition.
Posted by Messy
on 28 April 2017 - 02:11 AM
#73509 Particle 200m xp skillcapes
Posted by Messy
on 21 April 2017 - 12:13 PM
Its been suggested before and as far as I know its been accepted and it is being worked on.
- BuddhaKush and Fuel like this
#71819 Turkey right now
Posted by Messy
on 16 April 2017 - 02:58 PM
#70966 Wilderness Slayer Suggestion
Posted by Messy
on 14 April 2017 - 03:42 PM
Wilderness Slayer
With the release of the new Slayer Master on OSRS I thought this was a great opportunity to make the wilderness more active again.
What could Wilderness Slayer Include:
Wilderness slayer could have a separate slayer master which will only give Slayer tasks in the wilderness. These can be tasks such as hard tasks:
- Hell hounds
- Green Dragons
- Pirates
- Lesser Demons
- Bandits
- Fire Giants
- Spiritual Mages
- Aviansies
- Magic Axes
- Lava Dragons
*I will keep updating more when it comes to mind.*
It can also include extreme tasks, which will only be wilderness bosses such as:
- Calisto
- Chaos Elemental
- King Black Dragon
- Scorpia
- Venenatis
- Vet ion
Why would you do Slayer in the wilderness when you can do it safely?
I think the rewards could be more for completing a Slayer task in the wilderness, for example giving more XP with a small x multiplier. They could also give more Slayer points and other rewards (sorry nothing is coming to mind right now.).
How will this suggestion benefit the server?
In all honesty I think this can get the wilderness much more active which is a huge benefit to people who want to PK and also benefiting PvMers by doing a high risk high reward. I also think this will make wilderness PKing so much more enjoyable for players.
Thank you for reading my suggestion and I would love to hear your guys's opinion on it.
- MADASFUK likes this
#68801 Hardcore Suggestion
Posted by Messy
on 09 April 2017 - 04:16 PM
- HC Targaryen likes this