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Member Since 06 May 2019
Offline Last Active Aug 18 2023 02:01 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

07 September 2019 - 05:12 AM

Account Name (IGN) - Kronos2op

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - KronosKing#9033

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit



Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - Not Tauri

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - N/A

What rank are you applying for? - Corporal

What are your strengths? - I'm great at greeting and helping fellow alora players in game. Being able understand other players perspectives in & out of game. Just overall helping other people achieve greatness.

What are your weaknesses? - Not as active in discord as id like to be & willing to be more involved in discord discussions.

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - Well ive been apart of alora for 8 months, joined ICE as recruit 4 months ago & i thought id might as well step up in the clan and apply for higher rank & be more active overall in helping fellow players alike. 

In Topic: ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

06 July 2019 - 03:10 PM

Account Name (IGN) - Kronos2op

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - KronosKing#9033

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A



Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - Not Tauri

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - N/A

What rank are you applying for? - Recruit

What are your strengths? - Im a great person to talk to & very helpful to other players in alora. 

What are your weaknesses? - Im shy in some aspects of the game


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - Well ive been active in chat and asked to apply for rank but i enjoy helping players with whatever questions and answer the best to my ability.