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Member Since 28 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Mar 11 2023 10:49 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: #Dynasty April Community Awards

07 May 2019 - 09:56 AM

Congratulations to everyone on the winners list. <3                                                                                                        Everyone but Ash, obviously...

In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

06 May 2019 - 12:53 PM

  • Account Name:
    I've got multiple accounts, but I'm only playing for ranks on 294
    Other accounts are simply to keep me from going insane whilst grinding group ironman, or to gather supplies.

  • Account Type:
    Group Ironman, Ultimate Ironman & Regular ironman.
    My end goal is to have a maxed account on every game mode.
  • Discord:
  • Time-zone:
    UTC / GMT +2
  • Are you in any other clans? 
    I've created a clan with my Group members, but as they quit, the clan pretty much died.
  • Reason for joining: 
    I've been looking for a big clan to pvm with, for quite a while. Immortal Dynasty reached out to me when I created my Introduction, found here.
    I didn't think much of it at first, due to the huge list of requirements I'd have to meet.
    But after I heard that my brother, Leena was a part of the cc already, I reached out to Chicken be and asked him if there is a way that I could join, without fitting the requirements.

    I explained that I'm quite new to the server, but very dedicated at the same time.
    Within 5 days of playing the server, I've gathered a nice list of stats, playtime and Elite Void.
    I'm currently working on Raids Requirements and some basic gear upgrades, whilst gathering skilling supplies on my Group Ironman Alt.
  • Recruited by:
  • Playtime:
  • Game Stats                                PVM Gear

In Topic: indeed the best server

05 May 2019 - 01:44 PM

ive been playing for awhile now, on and off and have really liked the content on the server. great job guys


I've been playing for a couple of weeks now. I totally agree with you!

In Topic: Scroll sack

01 May 2019 - 11:12 AM

I'd love a clue update! It seems like forever since it has been changed.
New content which isn't overpowered.. I like it! :)

In Topic: Waiting for New Clue Rewards :P

01 May 2019 - 08:22 AM

Mainly BIS pure gear, 3rd age, Gilded and ornaments kits :D would also be nice to have mole feet as they look nice 


Ghehe, I agree! Goodluck on the spoils man. Hope you'll get some :D