To be honest, it has been very stressful playing the game with high ping. While skilling and gathering supplies are fairly doable even if you are in Mars, two categories remain a pain, PvP and Endgame Bossing (which include Raids). I felt like I am missing a whole lot and thus need advice from players with similar ping (ie: People living in Australia and Asia)
1) How do you guys reliably do mechanics in raids and the likes? Currently I am still stuck with finding an idea to solo Corporal Beast reliably without panic teleporting every minute due to the lack of supplies, as well as messing up every single vengeance timing. I figured that Raids will be much harder
2) How do you guys PK with high delay? With completionist monkey as an endgoal, I eventually will have to go PKing people and actually not die from it. However, I have no idea where to start about pking, let alone trying to get my first kill.
Anyone willing to help this noob out?