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Member Since 11 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 29 2021 03:11 AM

Topics I've Started

1 Slayer Pt per 4 kills.

06 May 2020 - 01:57 AM

As everyone is aware of there has recently been a big revamp / nerf of the slayer system. It caused a little bit of an uproar but i thought everyone was over exaggerating a little bit, but once i got into my slaying grinds i noticed the big difference. The amount of slayer pts we obtain now are dramatically different to how it used to, i think it may be just a bit too different though. It seems a fair bulk of everyones pts came from the pts recieved each kill and it seems like a very overwhelming grind to unlock something like an imbue scroll. I know you guys like to make updates and try to stay like osrs but i feel like this is one that would do the community something possitive to impliment 1 slayer pt every 4 kills. This would really help keep the pts coming in and make it feel like we are making some progress. Just an idea i had and thought would work. :)

i havn't seen this suggested yet and i looked in the pinned post and looked through slayer suggestions, i dont play osrs so im not 100% sure what its like on there.

No "tele to target"

05 April 2020 - 10:17 PM

It's really really getting frustrating trying to get someone essential stuff done in the wildy without having your progress taken away by pkers teleing to their targets who arnt necessarily high wealth risk but we have all our items for skilling on us, they can at any time tele in and attack us. i know its the wildy and it should be expected, but when im running air obs at the oblisk here on my eim its one of the best methods to train but i cant be doing that when i have someone come kill me and take all my progress, the other day as soon as i logged in on my reg iron, 2 seconds later my target who was already assigned teled to me and killed me for my bank. i know its the wilderness and there should be risk but pls get rid of tele to your target, only the normys chasing skillers use the damn thing it is a massive disadvantage

bonecrusher used for hunter

04 April 2020 - 01:14 AM

Suggestion for us to be able to use the bonecrusher whilst doing certain hunter tasks? Like if we catch a bird with a bonecrusher in our inv, the bones will automatically bury etc 

couple things

31 March 2020 - 06:15 AM

hey i just wanted to voice a couple things i thought of.
iv been doing alot of dense essense mining and im finding chiseling 2 inventorys becomes a bit straining, just thought you could maybe consider a chisel all option or something like that :) the other thing was just perhaps a tele to the cooking guild from the tele wizard in skills, not sure how long its been availiable but iv been using it a bit lately.
anything else comes to mind ill let you guys know!


27 March 2020 - 07:19 AM

just trying to see if i have this signature problem worked out.

does not look like it. why isnt my signature showing up at the bottom?

if someone could explain the steps to uploading one thatd be great, i cant find the option on the toolbar that allows me to upload my own file as a photo, and if i have done that it isnt showing up, it says "my current signature" and is blank. pls help