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D N Y S hasn't added any friends yet.
10 April 2019 - 09:42 AM
As long as you're just accepting Alora GP and PayPal, then you should be fine. OT: Best of luck to your shop, there's plenty of graphic shops here now. :)
As long as you're just accepting Alora GP and PayPal, then you should be fine.
OT: Best of luck to your shop, there's plenty of graphic shops here now. :)
Thanks dude.
10 April 2019 - 09:22 AM
Not sure if you can charge OSRS GP maybe ask a mod or Pm @Omicron before you make any deals my man
I said I wasn't accepting RSGP, just in-game GP & PayPal (if they allow that).
10 April 2019 - 09:00 AM
Welcome to forum my man this is my baby i try to stay as active as posable on here
Yeah I like active forums, they're almost better than in-game sometimes lol.
Any clans on here that are worth a damn?