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Member Since 03 Apr 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 11 2019 02:15 PM

Topics I've Started

Hello Alora!

04 April 2019 - 03:24 PM

Hello Alora,


I'd like to introduce myself to this community.


The name is LeEkKkkk, currently 19 years old. I'm currently quite fat and I'd love to make a change to that soon. I do not know if the community would be interested, but i'll be keeping a log for it (lmk if you'd actually like to see it).


As for the actual on-topic things you guys might be interested in;


- RuneScape addict since 2008.

- Mainly someone who would go for max and than try out things such as PKing.


I'm only playing when I feel like it, so it might be you see me online for over 12 hours a day, than a week not at all.



I hope you all enjoy your time online as much as I do & best wishes,


