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Member Since 25 Mar 2019
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Offline Last Active Nov 27 2024 08:17 AM

Topics I've Started

Loot from 2500 Nightmare

05 July 2021 - 10:30 AM

After completing the Nightmare of Ashihama's Log at 1490 KC found here




I decided to keep the grind going and try and keep my spot as #1 Nightmare killer with the rank 1 Nightmare time of 10:35.


Here is my loot from finishing the log




and here is loot from 1010 kills afer log completion




I only recieved 6 drops including 2 jars in the last 1000kc and am currently on a 308 Solo dry streak. I am currently working towards completing another orb set + staff and this time I might actually keep the staff and orbs haha. 


Total profit from nightmare thus far = 56 Billion Gp


Inquisitor set sold for 12b

Each mace sold 2b

Harm orbs 5b each

Volatile orbs 3.5b ea

Eldritch 3b

Nightmare Staff 6b each

Inquis top+legs sold 6b