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One Legion

Member Since 15 Mar 2019
Offline Last Active May 27 2022 10:02 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Immortal Dynasty Clan

18 August 2019 - 05:38 PM

Account Name:One Legion
Account Type:Normal 
Time-zone:London UK GMT+1
Playtime: (Please post or link a screenshot of in-game playtime) https://gyazo.com/17...56d8426df04e25e
Game Stats: (Please post or link a screenshot of your stats) https://gyazo.com/e5...0f45dbbdc5e9c36
PVM Gear: (Please post or link a screenshot of your best in slot PVM gear) https://gyazo.com/dd...6b7b0d0265f2a38
Are you in any other clans? (If so, which one?) i'm nice the open cc currently 
Reason for joining:Looking for a guild that does high pvm content, i want to get into raids and earn juicy loot and enjoy my time with my fellow clan members and create a friendship, many thanks, even though i don't have recommened time i'm very keen and eager to learn what you have got to show me 
Recruited by: refered by Fear7heduck

In Topic: RNG you cheeky devil.

17 August 2019 - 09:50 PM

Love this absolutely hilarious, love the puns.



"I'm happy to provide some counselling for those who are distraught by the picture."


Congratz on rangers

In Topic: Hand update for the boys!

17 August 2019 - 09:09 PM

Hey buddy i hope all goes well later down the line, and god bless. and remember you're always welcome here. it's pretty manly to speak out about whats going on in your personal life, Fist bump ^^