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Member Since 08 Mar 2019
Offline Last Active Apr 23 2023 01:13 AM

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Teleport Wizard at ::donatorzone

09 May 2021 - 11:24 PM

My suggestion is that a Teleport Wizard is put into the :dz area. (If I were choosing the location maybe across from the rejuvenation pool?)


I think this would be a good addition to the area because I rarely use the donator zone because it's inefficient to bank there and then back to home to use the wizard... but I donated for that area and want to use it more often. I think this addition would allow for me to do that.


Not having the main way of teleporting in the game in the donators zone doesn't make much sense to me... 


I read in a different suggestion post relating to teleporting that mentioned the need to keep home busy in a RSPS. which having the tp wizard only @Home makes sense for that reason but, I'd love to see this addition because I think the dz area deserves some love and attention.




A possible idea for keeping home busy would be to maybe make a whole new NPC! like a "teleport apprentice" and the only thing he can do is teleport you to your previous teleport. So only grinds where maybe you're using the rejuv pool a lot or just banking and tping back a lot you could use the area that you donated for that's more efficient for banking quickly and tping back to the same location. 


So you'd get to use it for repetitive tele's but still have to use home for going to new locations.


This could be applied to certain slayer tasks maybe and you want to heal up grab supplies and go back to the same task. Grinding out skilling supplies. killing the same boss over and over. etc.

But you'd would still use home often to switch that tele.