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Getting dubs

Member Since 01 Mar 2019
Offline Last Active Mar 30 2020 07:53 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: All unused/banned usernames should be wiped and released

13 April 2019 - 04:02 AM

@TGIM Novalia - I hope that's a rhetorical question because we all know they could not give two damns about there player base. Especially since they sold and changed hands, they're completely commercialised. I dare say their incentive to re-releasing old names was that there was a $10 price-tag on it as you needed to purchase membership.  


Also, the window of which a company could actually successfully pull this off would have to be way greater than how long Alora has been released. 


Just my 0.02c guys.

In Topic: All unused/banned usernames should be wiped and released

12 April 2019 - 06:25 AM

What type of game, that takes themselves and their player-base seriously, just wipes accounts because they're inactive for x amount of days? 


No one has any more importance than anyone else that is here, been here or will stumble across this place. 


If you don't have the username you want then oh well, suck it up princess, should have been here earlier.

In Topic: someone make a money making guide kthxbye

31 March 2019 - 09:53 PM

Do the Thieving. 

Do the Slayer.

Do the PVM. 


Rinse & repeat. Alway repeat. 

In Topic: It's been a blast, bye for now

31 March 2019 - 09:52 PM

I feel like you're just tapping out here, dude. 


People do stupid things. At the end of the day this is a community over the internet and this isn't going to dictate your life? Yeah it's stupid that you lie in general but you could have lied to more important/impactful people. Just don't be a fucking loser like that again.


If what people think about you on a private server, or on the internet in general, really impact your life that much then you need to straight get some hobbies my bro. 


I'm not sure if you're wanting people to try and convince you to stay, because no one is going to care if you stay or go. From an outsiders perspective though, leaving partially for being bullied/hated is the biggest cop out ever. Just play the game for fun. How it's intended to be played. 


Anyway, all drama aside, if you do decide to bugger off then take care of yourself. Been nice knowing you and hope you fix whatever it is you're wanting to fix. If you stay around then i'll be chatting with you, mate.



In Topic: Finally back.

30 March 2019 - 04:22 AM

I mean... I didn't "Lose" the house. It was just severely damaged and destroyed by mega floods. 


Thanks for the welcoming 2.0 into Alora, friends :)