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Member Since 05 Jan 2017
Previous Username: Wicked
Offline Last Active Sep 08 2021 01:33 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: two sigs

11 February 2019 - 03:40 PM

Awesome efforts. Do you happen to have a portfolio where users can view previous work that you have completed?

Most of my portfolio is just completed customer requests via the countless shops I've had on various forums. I had a decent catalog posted here, but I suppose they've all been deleted...? I'm not sure, I believe almost all of the posts I have made have been inside this subsection; when you look however it shows very few displayable posts. I plan on posting more though, if people are interested in seeing it of course.


:o your name sounds familiar, lol. Nice work though I like it! :D

I post on a lot of different forums, maybe you've seen my stuff or me on another platform  :idk: .


Kinda unusual to the ones we normally see but I'm a big fan. Looking forward to seeing more!

Yeah, I noticed that as well. I make tags which use to be really popular on forums in 2006-2013ish (i guess), however it's pretty much a dead scene now. Most people that play around with adobe products today utilize cinema 4D text with effects from photoshop which is the style that's really popular here and elsewhere. 

In Topic: Content Poll: Elite/Duo Ironman Mode

11 March 2018 - 11:24 PM

I genuinely hope that this mode won't include duos. The vast majority of players are going to utilize an alt to AFK skill grind while using their main to progress. Partnership removes the true meaning of an iron man - standing alone. I understand the mode should differentiate enough from classic/HCIM but I feel the 5x rate is enough of a solid difference in itself.

I just don't wanna see such a cool suggestion turned into Elite Altman Mode. It's a lot easier to depend on yourself than it is others, which is another huge contributing factor for players to make alts. Either make it so you can't have the same IP/MAC address linked to duos or don't include it at all is my suggestion. 

In Topic: Elite Ironman mode

04 March 2018 - 01:20 AM

Meh I support it but it makes current HCIM progress feel lackluster if it gets added. Would it be possible when dying from an HCIM to transition into this newer game type @Omicron?

EDIT: I didn't think about how that would effect the HS for the respected game type, oh well if it gets added I'll just have to make another alt :P