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Member Since 02 Feb 2019
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2020 05:25 PM

Topics I've Started

Colludy's Goals

07 February 2019 - 08:17 PM

As I become more familiar with the game and spend more time playing my goals will change, but for now here are my current goals.
- Level 99 in all stats
- 200m xp in all stats (long term)
- Top page of highscores (subject to possibility)

- Total wealth of 2 billion
- Own a partyhat
- Possess all valuable / rare drops
(Essentially have a maxed out / filled up bank)

Miscellaneous Goals
- Acquire Most if not all the skilling pets
- Completionist monkey
- Infernal Cape
- All quests finished
- All tasks finished
- Maxed out house (construction)

Just to name a few. I'll post an update once a month along with new goals.

And lastly but most importantly, make a difference in the Alora community!

Thanks for reading

Colludy's Introduction

02 February 2019 - 04:53 PM

Hey what's up guys my name is Colludy. Figured I'd introduce myself to the community as I plan to stick around for awhile. I've finally stumbled across a pretty complete OSRS server and I have to say I like it.


Little bit about myself:


- Been playing RS / RSPS's since 2007

- Max XP on 4 different servers

- Big into FIFA as well


Anyway I'll keep it short but feel free to PM me in game I need to make some friends.