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Iron Solfier

Member Since 29 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2019 06:18 AM

Topics I've Started

Looting bag

05 February 2019 - 02:52 AM

I suggest making a setting which will not ask you , if u want to add an item , for example i have 5 ranarr weeds in my ivnentory , i rpess on my ranarr , and looting bag , and they all instantly go in(in 1 tick) (not asking me , hm i want to store) , that would be really good. otherwise , i find the looting bag uncomfortable to use.

looting bag -> setting
*would you like to turn on ''store all'' function*
something in these words , sorry for bad england.

( ty for the support , and sorry for misunderstanding)


With love - Solf <3  <3  <3
