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Nice Ron

Member Since 27 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Nov 20 2024 01:26 PM

User's Awards

Event Champion - Boss Massacre :: Given to the player who was MVP during the event.

Given to the player who were MVP during the event.

Given on 27 February 2022 - 01:53 PM by Moe

Chamber of Xeric :: Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Awarded to those with over 100 killcount on Raids 1 / Chambers of Xeric.

Given on 18 January 2022 - 07:27 AM by Omicron

Completionist :: Awarded to those who've achieved the Completionist Cape

Awarded to those who've acquired the Completionist Cape.

Given on 08 December 2021 - 07:33 AM by Omicron

Geek :: Awarded to those who've acquired 200M exp. in each skill.

Awarded to those who've acquired 200m experience in each skill.

Given on 06 December 2021 - 04:19 PM by Omicron

Pet Collector :: Awarded to those who have obtained at least 15 individual pets.

Awarded to those who have obtained at least 15 individual pets.

Given on 19 February 2021 - 09:13 AM by Omicron

Daily Gamer :: Achieved by reaching 100 days playtime in-game

Given on 30 January 2021 - 09:53 AM by Omicron