Wow that is really good. The fact that is hand drawn in actually really shocking to me (I'm artistically challenged)! Like always though great work!
- Isaac likes this
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Wow that is really good. The fact that is hand drawn in actually really shocking to me (I'm artistically challenged)! Like always though great work!
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As always its great! Still loving the sig! I've gotten lots of compliments on it! :)
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Hey everyone my name is Miah, and I have played the server for a while but just decided too post an introduction. A little about me is I am a nursing student and in my picture is me and the boyfriend (Bryce). He plays RS and is actually the one who got me into it, but I didn't have the patience and so I found Alora. I really like RS because it is kinda an escape from real life for a little and its relaxing, but satisfying when you accomplish a goal you had set for yourself! Any other questions feel free too ask me on the forums or in game, and I look forward to getting to meet a lot of you!