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Zlatan gim

Member Since 13 Jan 2019
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2023 03:53 PM

#284591 Gim Road to Comp Cape Progress Ep 5

Posted by Zlatan gim on 02 April 2019 - 02:12 AM

Well Well Well.... Here we are again with another one of my Progression Posts. If you missed posts 1-5 they are all on the Media -> Youtube section of the forums if you guys/gals want to check them out.


So here we go, I accomplished a lot more than i thought i would from the last post, but also missed out on some of my goals because my work schedule has been pretty hectic recently, but here is a quick recap of what I have completed from the last update.


1) Completed 99 Wc

2) Completed 99 Fletching

3) Completed 99 Hitpoints

4) Completed 99 Attack

5) Completed 99 Defence


so now im maxed melee witch is nice, but not good enough for this account or to try and "show off" to the community,

Other Accomplishments:


1) Got 2 Dragon Harpoons

2) Got up to 98 Prayer hunting for the remaining rings at Dag Kings (Still need archers and b ring)

3) Leveled up various other skills, the goal right now is to get the remainder of them to base 80, only need herblore, hunter, and agility for that.


Goals Coming up for Next Post:


1) Complete 99 Prayer

2) Finish off maxed combat (currently 98 Prayer and 88 Range)

3) Keep camping Cerb for crystals, not really that important to me tho since its very slight damage boosts

4) Find a Team and complete more Raids

5) Get to 2150 Total Level (Currently at 2071, Will post all my current stats at bottom of post)

6) Get 95 Slayer for the last slayer boss (Hydra)

7) Get base 80 Stats

8) Complete Mage Arena 2 quest

9) Get 90 Crafting for Fury, Currently have 2 onyx's in bank

10) Start Grinding out GWD bosses for better gear for Raids 1


So here is my Question to you guys, The community. I have gotten so much help and support by all of you in game along this journey and it has not gone un appreciated, so I have a reward for you guys.

I am going to be doing a 24 Hour Live stream this Upcoming Sunday (In America) and I will be doing a Bond Giveaway depending on how many people we peak at. For every 10 People that is watching I will be giving away 1 bond, so if somehow 50 people were all watching at once I would be giving away 5 bonds the following day to 5 random viewers. I wish i had the finances to just give a bond to everyone watching but im not rich D: plus i have rent coming up soo sorry about that lol. but i still feel the need to give back to the supporters of this series.


Durring the livestream i plan on keeping it interesting with multiple types of content, bossing, raids, minigames, and skilling, also i will be in the Ice Discord if anyone would want to drop in and talk  to me or the viewers. I swear this turned from a Prog Video into a deep talk between me and my keyboard, sorry about that.


Once again thank you for all the support / Tips / conversations you all keep giving me, its the only reason I havn't burnt out and quit.


All of my Links:

Youtube : https://www.youtube....w_as=subscriber

HighScores: https://www.alora.io...user=zlatan gim

Alora IGN: Zlatan Gim

Discord: Ice

CC : Ice

Friends: All of you


Stream Day: Sunday 4/6/19

Time: 5pm Central Time (6pm Eastern) (3pm Pacific) and if im right (Midnight UK time) sorry Uk guys, i dont get off work till 3:30pm


The Livestream will be on my youtube, I dont really know how to set up a stream on there, I have only streamed games on twitch before so if anyone wants to msg me and help me set it all up it would be much help.

#277363 Gim Road to Comp Cape Progress Ep 4

Posted by Zlatan gim on 10 March 2019 - 10:09 PM

alrighty guys its that time again, some slightly bad news if you guys actually watch my videos, my camtasia files got corupted so im missing like 15mins of content in there but i will try and explain all of the progress I have made recently on here.



Broke the 2,000 total level mark (Currently 2017)

      Used up all of my magic logs and at 96 Fletching now

      Grinded 90 Woodcutting

Got Trident From Cave Kraken (Boss is done now)

Got Tanz Fang and Serp Helm From Zulrah (only magic fang left)

Got 99 Magic


Short Term Goals for Next Episode:

1. Finish off 99 Fletching

2. 99 Woodcutting

3. 90 Firemaking

4. Grind out Barrows for Full Ahrims

5. Get Infinity Boots from Mage Arena

6. Complete Mage Arena 2


Mid Term Goals (Next 5-10 Episodes):

      At the Current rate im playing and trying to be efficient when im not working, I should be able to Max within 2 months.

1. Get 2200+ Total Level

2. Start Focusing on the Bossing aspects of the game (Vorkath, Bandos, Armadyl, CorpBeast)

3. Complete More Raids to work on items ( Still Learning All Mechanics)

4. Get More Efficient skilling items (Dragon Pickaxe & Dragon Harpoon)

5. Start to learn the mechanics of the Inferno


Long Term Goals (Around June-July)

1. Get Inferno Cape

2. Obtain All items for Max Melee, Range, and Mage

3. Complete All Raids 1 and 2 items (will take longer than June/July)

4. Max Cape

5. Start Working on all of the requirements for comp cape (Will be very tedious on GIM account but looking forward to the challenge)


Misc Goals:

1. Start learning all of the mechanics of Streaming to do live broadcasts of me playing and being a part of the Community

2. Make guides on certain parts of the Server that alot of players don't know about (Tips and Tricks)

3. Stay having fun (so add me in game and talk to me so i dont get lonely :D

#273159 Gim Road to Comp Cape Progress Ep 3

Posted by Zlatan gim on 28 February 2019 - 12:48 AM

Alright so Ep 3 is a more skilling based episode, basic rundown of it is me grinding out 99 construction thru the lvl 69 Lanterns you can make in the altar room, I believe it only took 1300 steel bars and bolts of cloth from the lvl 85 to 99. Not the most entertaining grind but got it done non the less.


Other than that I just did an hour and a half instance at Dag Kings (no noteable drops besides bones) and then some slayer and fletching for more darts from Konars rare drop table (Kind of Op for Ironman TBH)


If you guys want to check out the Progress thru my youtube channel then heres the like:




And here is the actual Video:


And Here is my live total lvl:

https://www.alora.io...user=zlatan gim


If you guys have any advice or tips for me feel free to leave them in the Post

Current Stats (Pic Should be down below as well)

Att-93 Str-95 Def-93 Range-88 Prayer-93 Magic-96 Runecrafting-83 Con-99 Hp-96 Agility-70 Herblore-74 Theiveing-81 Crafting-75 Fletching-78 Slayer-88 Hunter-64 Mining-80 Smithing-78 Fishing-99 Cooking-99 Fm-82 Wc-85 Farming-74

Total Level - 1965

#271268 Gim Road to Comp Cape Progress

Posted by Zlatan gim on 21 February 2019 - 09:47 PM

Alright guys, ep 2 is out now, go and show love / support if your interested. basic run down for this video is grinding my remanding stats to base 70 and then bossing with Kraken and zammy boss. got good drops from both bosses, trying to keep everyone updated even if they just want to read to the progress vs watching it. Thanks for all the support i got in the last post, means alot to have people supporting and encouraging you in your long grind. this episode is going to be hard to beat but i will grind my ass off to try and make every video as good content wise as this one :D thanks for the support again -Zlatan Gim

